posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 06:33 PM
I've got a theory on why some species survive extinction level events. It's rather simple really: Being cool with stuff that sucks.
In just about any civilization-endangering catastrophe, where would I go? The hell away from everybody else (which would be considerably easier to do
in some places after a nuclear attack).
You either were at ground zero or not, you either wondered what the flash was or you looked away, and the wind is either saving you or trying to kill
you... not much you can do about that part.
Assuming you get that far though, get the hell away from civilization. The radiated ground will be in population centers and/or strategic points
characterized by weapons facilities, lines of communication and transport, etc. An epedimic will generally be concentrated in high population areas
with high rates of outside visitation. The anarchy after a natural disaster will be in the urban centers, etc etc.
So you go where that stuff ain't, do what you can to deal with stuff that sucks (like being cold or hot, eating the generally unpleasant things you
can get your hands on, having to work and wait quite a bit to get clean water, possibly having to rebuild your lean-to everytime there's even a
slight breeze, etc).
If I had to name a specific spot, probably the empty desert off of I-10 between the Salton Sea and Arizona. Nothing worth nuking within about 100
miles, plenty of vegitation to get water out of, crappy pickings for food but that's why god invented ants, reptiles, and birds, and perhaps best of
all, you odds of having either government or refugee company are fairly slim. Besides, I just like the desert... with the minor exception of the
withering heat 12 hours a day.