Has anyone heard of this fish? Its called an oarfish and is supposedly the source of many myths about sea monsters, it can apparently grow up to 60
feet long, and can live with half of its body cut off. Check out the video as well, you kinda have to look a bit hard.
I was thinking, 60 feet long, that equals two sixty foot long filets, equals good eatin!
The crest on it looks magnificent, though I wonder how evolution hasn't killed it yet. I can't imagine that its very fast, and a sixty foot long
target doesn't seem to hard to catch
yes i have seen footage of one of these in shallow water it was about 45 ft long... amazing when i saw it... there is probably weirder # than this
deep in the sea...
On the Discovery Channel I saw a video of an oarfish being draged on shore and it was still alive the whole time. It look kinda cool with its gills
moving and such.
an Oarfish was alledgedly caught this summer on the east coast of England... the story was a bit unbeleivable about it being caught (woman claimed she
caught it while mackerel fishing) I beleive like many others of my angling freinds that it was washed ashore already dead. but nonetheless a beautiful
fish. I too first read about it in Undersea Adventure by Willard Price about 20 years ago. a very good series of books, although would probably class
them as childish now, but it did ignite an enthusiasim that never left me.