posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:00 PM
There has been a number of rumours of the powers that be would wish to micro chip the whole population. Given the fact that most people would be
against such and idea as they would see it as an gross invasion of their rights how could it be achieved.
Well lets say there would be a small number of people who would think its a good idea because they would fall for the lies about terrorism and the
need for such devices but how do you get them inside everybody. One scenario could be that you scare the population into thinking there all going to
be hit with say an Avian flu epidemic. People would naturally be clamouring for any vaccines available to protect themselves. I have a flu jab every
year so such an event would seem perfectly natural.
Once completed you have complete control of the population, every move tracked by satelites, you would know who robbed a bank, committed murder etc.
the list is endless but of course we would not be told of the implants. Could such devices be used to cause premature deaths, sickness, mind control
etc. could they be used to target what may be seen by some as undesirable groups, has the process already started.