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Google Earth Change - Dulce, New Mexico

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posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 03:56 PM
What had once been a poor-quality image of a large complex, water ways and organized buildings abound, is now a field of low-lying shrubs. A field of low-lying shrubs... Relative to my original placemark, which was positioned directly above this seemlessly organized and structured complex; the position of the complex had changed and where my orginal placemark had once been, a field of shrubs now rests. A new high-quality sattelite image now replaces the entire region. Now why waste resources or even time for that matter, to replace a low-quality image of a very, very low populated and frequented location for a higher-quality image of the same thing... rocks and dust is all it is... when the sattelite could be used to take high-quality images of, for example, Winnipeg which has images years, and years old.. Intriguing is that this strip of nowhere in New Mexico was the only satellite image replaced in the entire region, and quite possibly the entire state.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 04:04 PM
well the fact whether aliens are there or not a top secret US underground facility was being viewed thousands of time a day may have something to do with it
removing A51 may of made a national news situation so they leave it there but dulce is not a well known facility outside the conspiracy community so removing it is the best thing to do


posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 04:46 PM
using the live local mapping thing, i came across this one :

there's a big long road off the highway leading up to (into? ) a hill. there's a couple of buildings nearby. due to the shadows, i can't see where the intersecting road goes.

geographically, it 'could' make an ideal location for something.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 07:52 PM
I have heard from a resident of Dulce that has done some investigation of the Dulce base that there is a road that leads up to a wooded hill that pretty much leads to no where. There's a watch tower looking thing and that's about it. Could be something... I don't know

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 08:00 PM
Thats a great map you have flagged up there, nice one dude.

i love the black and white nature of it, it looks and zooms alot better than some colour maps i have seen - cheers.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 06:21 AM
i guess if dulce exists and its so deep underground not much topside defence is needed, they claim its a fully self sufficient underground facility linked all over the country to over underground facilities it wouldnt need much top side


posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 02:55 PM
a query of sorts. does the united states military usually spend $2 500 000 on " for the repair and replacement of the Jicarilla Municipal Water System in the town of Dulce, New Mexico..."

seems a bit much

source :

full text if the pdf takes too long to open
"H. R. 3338—80
exceed an additional $32,000,000 (October 1, 2001, price
Public Law 107–66 is amended—
(1) under the heading of ‘‘Title I, Department of Defense—
Civil, Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers—Civil,
Construction, General’’—
(A) by striking ‘‘Provided further, That using
$2,500,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of
the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is directed
to proceed with a final design and initiate construction
for the repair and replacement of the Jicarilla Municipal
Water System in the town of Dulce, New Mexico:’’; and
(B) insert at the end before the period the following:
‘‘: Provided further, That using funds provided herein, the
Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers,
is directed to transfer $2,500,000 to the Secretary
of the Interior for the Bureau of Reclamation to proceed
with the Jicarilla Municipal Water System in the town
of Dulce, New Mexico’’; and
(2) under the heading of ‘‘Title II, Department of the
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Water and Related Resources,
(Including the Transfer of Funds)’’, insert at the end before
the period the following: ‘‘: Provided further, That using
$2,500,000 of the funds provided herein, the Secretary of the
Interior is directed to proceed with a final design and initiate
construction for the repair and replacement of the Jicarilla
Municipal Water System in the town of Dulce, New Mexico’’."

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 04:09 PM
Google Earth analyses what you and other users look at on the web, and then updates to high-quality imagery accordingly. Of course Area 51 is a massive draw to all Google Earthers, whether conspiracy theorists or not, so they update the photos to high resolution.

I managed to do the same thing with a local quarry by continuously going on it, it's really a nice piece of kit. I don't know whether the new images are bought, or simple transfered from the subscription-model version.


posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 04:15 PM
sadly that hasn't worked for me when trying to look at west freugh mod base and adjacent bombing ranges that let those lovely jets fly low over the house.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:13 PM

You might want to search and read about the Army Corps of Engineers before you think this is too suspicious. They have been responsible for ALL of these types of projects for a LONG time. 2.5 million isn't much for a big project either... Yes, it's near Dulce, but they've been involved in a TON of these projects, so if this is suspicious, then you better look at all the other civil engineering projects too...

[edit on 12-10-2006 by sp00ner]


posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:41 PM
thank you, sir.

i just thought it was a tad expensive. if it were here in sunny scotland, i daresay questions would be asked upon why weren't the local authorities doing it instead.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:46 PM
Typically the Corps coordinates with the local government to determine the correct course of action. When it involves wetlands, navigable waterways, or anything like that, the Army Corps of Engineers are called in to conduct the survey, set down the engineering plans, and acquire equipment that a local government would only need once and has no real need to purchase and store, etc, etc...

The New Orleans canals are a good example of why. The Corps insisted that the levees needed to be higher, stronger and better prepared. The federal gov't and Louisiana didn't want to spend the $$$ to do the improvement. Katrina hit. Guess which group was wrong?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 07:16 PM
They had a huge update of imagery. As soon I found out, I searched area 51 and then anywhere worth it. Never thought of Dulce, however. These images were taken somewhat recently, if the same time as the new updated images of my house, then between early spring of last year and late summer this year, because we have now a fence in the backyard around early spring this year, which is absent, and our neighbors had one put up that's in there around late summer last year. It's summer or spring, so yeah. I doubt that they were taken near the same time, but Dulce images are Digital Globe, Terra Metrics, and Europa Technologies. My images are from Europa Technologies. Mine was taken Jan. 18, 01. Dulce was....April 18, 04, May 31st, 04, and that's it. Hmmm.


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