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The Republican Party vs. The Abortion Issue

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posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 05:34 AM
Many years ago(more than 20 yrs), I voted a straight Republican ticket because of their stance on the Pro-Life issue. As the years passed, I watched as they waved that Pro-Life banner each election but in reality surrendered ground on the issue to the Pro-Choice Movement in between the elections.

I have since realized that the Republican Party waves that banner, combined with the straight marriage amendment banner and other moral banners with the intent of winning the conservative Christian vote.

As has been discovered this week, the truth has been revealed temporarily that they have no morality above the Democrats. Rather they would lead us to believe that they do.

The truth is that Christian Conservatives have been duped for years by the Party and it's high time they wake up.

I'm not suggesting that Christians should jump ship to the Democrat Party, but rather that they should be aware of how the Republican Party with it's Pharaseeism (spelling?) has used Christians for so many years.

Now is the time to consider creating a new party. Now is the time to consider casting your vote to another party....any party other than the Pharisees....the blind leading the blind leading us all into the ditch.

posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 01:43 PM
The U.S. Constitution allows you to follow your own PERSONAL faith and to make PERSONAL choices
based on your PERSONAL beliefs.

That's a good thing and all of us should respect that freedom and protect those rights.

The U.S. Constitution DOES NOT empower you or anyone else to force their own PERSONAL views on others.

There are far too many variables in organized religion for you to put your trust in the devisiveness of man.

All that really matters is your own PERSONAL relationship with God.

Follow his Wisdom and your heart and be glad that you have the freedom to do so.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:10 AM
This issue is the only one, besides GM food, on which I disagree with the GOP. Why should men dictate women what they can and cannot do?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 04:22 PM
The one thing that bugs me about this is that the Conservative base doesn't even care to look at the medical side of this. They refuse to look at how child birth can harm the mother physically. This can range from still born child to the death of both the mother and child. I hate to sound that grim, but it's the truth that Conservative base refuses to accept.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Regardless of one's religious or personal beliefs, one can not violate the rights of another entity.

The case can easily be made that abortion does violate what would otherwise be the later birth of a child.

What one must know is that left alone, a baby will form and be born barring acts of nature.

Also, the GOP stinks and I don't like them. They are liars and traitors, much in the same way as the rats in the Democratic Party (otherwise known as Communists of varying degrees).

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by davenman
The truth is that Christian Conservatives have been duped for years by the Party and it's high time they wake up.

Perhaps, since you can see how you were deceived before, is that even the christian conservatives have 'no morality above' anyone else either.

Now is the time to consider creating a new party. Now is the time to consider casting your vote to another party....any party other than the Pharisees....the blind leading the blind leading us all into the ditch.

If the christian conservatives don't support the republican party, then they won't even have a party paying them lipservice anymore.

The one thing that bugs me about this is that the Conservative base doesn't even care to look at the medical side of this.

The religious right considers unborn babies to be fully 'ensouled' humans, and many of them seem to think that aborted fetuses burn in hell for eternity. Those are their beleifs, so its easy to see that they can't accept that physical harm comming to the mother justifying abortion.
Thats a religious issue of course, and really just based on faith. It has no real standing in the legal arena.
But, the conservative position (as distinct from the religious right) is that all men are created equal, and that therefore the unborn are citizens that should have the full protection of the law. THey view, in a sense, abortion as a violation of hte civil rights of the unborn (which of course is ironic, since most view making abortion illegal a violation of the civil rights of the mother).

The case can easily be made that abortion does violate what would otherwise be the later birth of a child.

Not quite so easily though. Fetus's aren't given any other rights, and we certainly don't arrest, say, women who drink while pregnant on charges of serving alcohol to a minor, or under child abuse.

What one must know is that left alone, a baby will form and be born barring acts of nature.

I think that the miscarriage rate is around 50%. This means that you can't really say that a fetus is an 'inevitable' person, and that it therefore has the protections that actual people have.
At the same time, it also shows that people really don't care about dead fetuses. I've never known anyone to have a funeral for an early stage miscarriage, or for there to be a homocide investigation following it. Heck, most of the time no one even knows that one has happened, and the remains are flushed away to be stored with human waste. Certainly, if people feel that fetus's are 'full people', then a far bigger threat to them is 'acts of nature' that cause their death, rather than abortion. Why no funding to make sure that at least every wanted pregenancy comes to full term?
Probably because there is no political payoff in it, or because people realize that fetuss are different that born, living humans.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 10:09 AM

I am one of the more rare conservatives and Pro-Lifers.

I actually have my opinion and I don't make judgement calls about the sides aside from the fact that I believe myself to be right, but what rational personal does not.

I say this not out of hate like is seen so often from the Pro-Life crowd, but out of love of people and the want for every fetus to at least have the chance at life that it was already given.

Should nature intervene, then such is life unfortunately.

I do consider the scientific element in this topic and realize that there really isn't going to be anything done or accomplished in this topic without rational compromise between sides because there is no absolute right in this department that can be verified due to the ignorance of God (if there is one) and what he might think on the topic.

Now, I am Pro-Life and Anti-Death Penalty because I believe the government should be of the policy to protect the life we are given.

That goes from abortion to the enviornment. Protection and reasonable use of what was given to and created by people is what men create governments to do in the first place and I take great exception to my tax dollars being used for something like this.

If you want an abortion, fine, it is legal after all, but I disdain it in the highest regard and will actually give people money, time, and aid in any way I can to prevent said abortion.

Like I said, I do and say what I do in this topic out of love.

Thanks for your opinion and I look forward to your reply.

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 12:13 PM

If you want an abortion, fine, it is legal after all, but I disdain it in the highest regard and will actually give people money, time, and aid in any way I can to prevent said abortion.

Thats fair enough, I don't think that a person really can argue with that. I do think its a different matter to actually outlaw it though. And I think that long before we outlaw abortion, we've got to address the other things that result in more incompleted pregnancies than abortion. Indeed, since those things can possibly be remedied by helping people do what they want, its difficult to accept the argument that abortion should be outlawed.

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