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Some One Dropped The Ball In New Orleans.

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posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 09:38 PM
Ilove It when people respond to something that I am intrested in . I can not anything. but something that I say may make someone else think. maybe we will not let the ball be droped .

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 09:48 PM
I am very sorry about My last post . I left out a word . It sure messed up whot I was saying .I will read it over next time .Dont give up .

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 10:00 PM
I personally Know of a FEMA team that deployed 2 days prior to Katrina. This team was moved several times to various military bases until further orders. It wasn't until 5 days after Katrina hit that the team was actually able to help someone. Let me tell you there were some very P.O. people on the team. In most instances a FEMA team is comprised of at least 2 times the amount of people it needs for activation. Many On this team were doctors, nurses etc that could only be deployed for a week because of local commitments. Many of these people left unable to even help one soul. Besides the fact that we had doctors and nurses unable to fullfill their duty to help victims we the taxpayers got stuck with the bill. Let me tell you these doctors and nurses do not come cheap.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 10:23 PM
We all no that there is always A price tag . some can pay .some paid with there life . But tell me who was giving orders ? and whot took so much time? by the way I did not very many boats being used . the news showed A lot of them still useable .

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 10:50 PM
I've already told you who was giving the orders on page 1. I went through the whole process for you.

posted on Oct, 10 2006 @ 11:07 PM
1 am very sorry about that . I for some strange reson I thought someone was going to give me there opinion .be careful lightning dose strike more then twice .you can put that on padge two .

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Maverick44
I have read All of your responses to my thread. my first thought was i dont need this . I no my spelling is bad and maybe not put the way everyone would like. all I can say to you is I am sorry. but I did not get my message across yet so I am not stopping yet . If you dont like my spelling dont read it .It is not about money or poor people or rich ones . my problem is not white . black . yellow . or purple .It's the miss use of funds .What has happend to the money the goverment has given New Orleans Yearly to up grade the leves? there is no improvment that I can see . the way I see it RICH OR POOR .the ball has still been dropped .and ALL are loosers because of bad judement by the MAYOR and THE GOVENOR .Also, why did city buses sit ?.along with school buses flooded and wasted when they could have saved so many people?

Hmmm miss use of federal funds, not to mention the largest charity donation in world history to one single event... and none of it appears to be helping the city.

Well, maybe it taught us a lesson. Federal government should worry about federal affairs, local governments should worry about local affairs. If the New Orleans city council made desicions in the war on Iraq, that wouldn't make much sense, the Feds like wise should stay out of city and state matters. This is the Federal faults, because the Federal gov has no responsibilities to make sure a city is safe from floods, that resides within the local and state level of govenrmnets. Sounds harsh, but we are a republic and our constitution says nothing about federal government helping out during floods. Instead, we ignore the actual borders of our Federal Government, expect handouts when things go bad, and what we get is billions of dollars missing, trailers never used, debit cards spent on whores and shoes, and a city destroyed and not being re-built.

Why are the poorer communities left damaged and in dispair.. because they didn't have inssurance, they cannot get a loan for a new house, they moved away, it would cost more to re-build then it would to move to housten. Poor New Orleans, tragic thing really.. we showed great compasion as a nation, a people, but they blew that on their own, IMO they shouldn't have gotten more then the donations from people.. Next time I hope we learn our lesson.. responsibility which is disregarded anymore resides within the city, within the state, and should not look to the Feds for hand outs.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 10:11 AM
I knew that I would get the type of answer I could under stand . I don/t comeplty agree but It makes sence . thank you .

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 10:16 PM
I have managed to comepletly mess up my mind . I see on the news how things were . at least whot I am allowed to . I feel sad . confused . I see people with no food no right from wrong . the Govenor .or mayor could not of forseen whot whot was going to happen . the worst thing was your own self . you were your down fall .the victims of no control not one person could see that your water was not getting better . food was getting low there was no law and order .why sit and look at it ?.how far was the next town or store or gas station ? you should of gotten to geather as much food and water and lit out . the fresh air and a lot of help from your maker you would of made it .and so would a lot of outhers . help is within .I was not there nor was I ever put in any thing like it If you find my spelling wrong I am sorry ......

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 02:06 PM
1. The Federal Government.

FEMA ran a disaster drill on a computer back in 1993 to simulate what would happen if a Cat 3 had hit NOLA. Engineers had been saying for years prior to Katrina that a hurricane would flood the city eventually. These warnings went unheeded for years until the grim realization last year. To there surprise the levees did what the engineers said they would do during a storm, and that was flood the city.Millions were put into the fund for reconstructing the levee system. Those millions have obviously went to something other than rebuilding the levees in New Orleans. Yes, Hurricane Andrew did pose a threat to New Orleans back in 1992, but the only thing it did was flood the streets of the French Quarter. The levees were first built after the Great Mississppi floods of the 1920s and the 1930s. Also the response of the government after the storm hit hampered efforts even more. The plan was for the City of New Olreans and surrounding communities to be evacuated by bus. Did they know that over half of the school bus and public bus drivers would flee before the storm? They did not take that into their minds and think of it actually happening. That is another thing that the government did not plan for in the evacuation readiness plan.

2. The State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans

The State of Louisiana did little, if anything, to help people the poor people of New Orleans evacuate. Yes, they had buses in place to be used to help with the evacuation. They did not believe that the drivers would be ones to evacuate also. This is where the railroads SHOULD HAVE been brought in to help instead. Did the State of Louisiana have the contracts with Amtrak signed and in effect as of last year? No, and neither did the City of New Orleans of Orleans and Jefferson Parishes et al. What should have been done, and I've been preaching this all along, used the trains for a massive evacuation instead of the buses. Don't believe that the contracts where already in place before the storm??? CNN's very own Anderson Cooper, whose grandmother was the wife of a one Cornelius Vanderbuilt, even said that the contracts with Amtrak and other railroads were in place but they HAD NOT been signed before the storm hit!!! Cornelius Vanderbuilt was the founder of the Accessory Transit Company, which later on became New York Central.

I believe that the evacuations via rail should have went like this to the very same extent. That is shut down all freight traffic so that only the evacuation trains could use the rails. Another thing is that, the railroads like; CSX and Norfolk Southern and K.C.S. and B.N.S.F. and Canadian National, should have been required, not asked, to have sent their office car fleets to help with the evacuations. Amtrak should have also rounded up as many cars that they have in their pool service and sent them on down to New Orleans. Why wasn't this thought of and put into action before Katrina hit the Gulf Coast? Not only could they have used the extra trains, but they could have added about fifteen or so extra cars to the Sunset Limited, the City of New Orleans, and the Cresent to help with the evacuation. Known the railroads like Amtrak and the others, they would have charged normal price for tickets to ride the trains. What they should have done was given people a free ride out of the sity on the train. If someone wanted to give a donation, like money or something else, that would have worked also. Now, what the F.R.A. should do is make it a REQUIREMENT that the railroads must participate in an evacuation of an area of good size. If they don't comply to the regulation, fine them two million dollars every six hours for non-compliance.

Brownie is not the only one to blame for this, there's a lot more than who has been said.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 04:48 PM
I just got back an found your reply . yes I heard of money for the up keep . was sent to them .to keep them the best they could .But I did not think of using the railroad . I think your reply was a lot help to me . thank you .

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 01:48 PM
No problem on the post. Now if more people will post after this please.

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