hi mates,
I am a great fan of all that can be related to necromancy. i love to read all what is possible about it, and i want to learn more from you all if
My personal opinion about necromancy is that it was misunderstooded almoust all the time and in several ages,due to what i call as the "bad way of
using it"
The Necromancy is in fact something so simple as a "Dark" technique to see the future events! everybody knows the Tarot, the Sea Shell games, The
pendulum, or the cristal ball techniques. well Necromancy have they'r especific ways to read the future also, but due to it's natural dark
aspect,and it's direct relation with Death, it uses a weird group of options to to that.
we can practice Necromancy with a set of bones (whatever animal we want)(My set is made of rat and bunny bones), we can kill a goat, chiken, sheep,
etc, and observe how the internal organs spread in the ground while the blood is warm, we can do some cuts on the skin and see how the blood flows,
etc, there are tons of ways to a Necromancer to read the future.
Another more fantastic way to learn about Necromancy, fuses a lot with some well known fantastic worlds, like the Dungeon & Dragons one.
in many old cultures it was writen that it is possible to a necromancer to raise the dead, to create powerfull curses, to evoke a "Shadow" creature
from a inferior plane, or to be transformed in a undead creature in order to achieve imortality(Like a Lich)!
Tons and tons of documents from many diferent human coltures can be found related to this subject, especialy books.
One of the moust interesting theory about the Necromantic curses i ever red, tell us that in the ancient egipt the Necromancy was fully respected and
practioned by a special kind of Seth Priests. and the well known "Pharoe's tomb curses" had be maded using old necromantic knoledge.
I will try to explain one of the methods used:
After the constrution of the tomb, a huge group of people is ordered to enter the tomb and stay there starving untill they die,they all are ordered to
think in the same "thing"( The negative practical objective of the curse, let's say...a sudden death) and be at the process of starving untill they
die, always with that in they'r mind!, well,,,we can ask,,,,but what kind of guys will have the force of will to do that?, we must try to understend
that for them it was a true honor to die like that.and was not understended as a horrid thing at all. they usualy "caged them" in the tombs for 2 or
3 mouths, after that or they will remain there or they will be removed to a mass grave. in what situations they to this or not i don't have a
but the books say that after this the necromantic curse created from they'r life force will be there for ever or untill the tomb is opened.
well this was just a small exemple of how interesting Necromancy can be if we want to learn the moust dark aspects of it or research about it . if it
is real that the ancient egiptians do that at the time, i don't know, but i think this aspect is very interesting.
About the possibility of raise/animate a dead corpse for some time, to use for some obscure objective, i think it's hard to belive this can be done.
i personaly think that at some time in human history, this kind of knoledge must be forgotten or lost. but i belive that in the real ancient times
this could be a reality.
I have been several times in a kind of "necromancy conclave", where many people do a lot of necromancti experiences, and try to animate several
types of corpses, using old necromantic rhymes and rituals, from several old famous necromantic books, and i just seen once this working:
when we do this necro conclaves, we go to a wood, we prepare the place acording to some necromantic laws, and we bring to there several animal
corpses, like cats, dogs, birds, insects, etc( please note that we do not kill the animals for this). the only time i see this working was with a
bee!, after the incantations to be made the dead bee suddenly start to move slowly and flys away. sure, the bee could not be dead and be at some kind
of paralisis...well we all can especulate about it. every animal is always checked to see if it is dead or not, but i agree it's very dificult to be
sure if a insect is dead or not. in the case this bee was grabed from the floor, and it was atacked by ants, in fact it just have 2 legs at the time.
but after the ritual, it just flew away!
Necromancy have also other possible dark aspect:, the Invokation arts.
it seems that it is possible under certain places, at especific nights, under certain rituals to be possible to invoke a dark entity, please do not
melt/fuse this with demonology. it is something diferent. the Necromancy aparently can evoke dark shadow creatures(not demons) from the realm of the
shadows, there are hundreds of shadow creatures related along the history in necromantic books. some of the moust well known are: The wraiths, the
Banshees, the Vampire lords, The damned souls( a type of ghost), the shadow succubus, etc.
One of the biggest problems with the necromancy along the times is that it had be used by twisted minds many times in order to practice evil or bad
things. but that do not make necromancy it self a bad thing. there are good people and bad ones, and i think the bad ones ended to give to necromancy
a very bad defenition.
Sure if some one wants to learn and study necromantic knoldge, it must be prepared to deal with death, corpses, bad smells all the time, etc, but
that's the only problem i can see. some guys could not have the stomach for that.
now i will give some nice links about some necromantic aspects, i hope you enjoy them.
meaning of the word:
Necromancy "Wiki"
Thes study of Death:
Necromancy as a way to read future:
another defenition for it:
Something from "The Book of shadows", a important tome for Necromancy
A exelent necromancy analisis:
A brief history about necromancy methods: