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Islamification alleged in California School

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posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 11:55 AM

The school was attempting to teach children what it was like to be Islamic. That is all well and good. However, the children were told that they had to memorize koran verses and say Islamic prayers.

If a teacher wishes to show children that Islamics worship God and to show what the children have in common with Islamic children - that's great. But making non-Islamic children learn Islamic prayers is wrong.

Evangelicals took the schools to court. They lost.

Making children learn prayers of another faith is wrong. If the teacher wanted to show them the prayers and the koran in an effort to make for better relations, that would be fine. But I think it was taken too far.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Evangelicals took the schools to court. They lost.

Making children learn prayers of another faith is wrong. If the teacher wanted to show them the prayers and the koran in an effort to make for better relations, that would be fine. But I think it was taken too far.

Learning prayers of "another faith" - what are you saying here? THat kids shouldn't be taught prayers other than Christian ones? Or evangelical ones? We shouldn't be teaching anyone to say any prayers, according to our Constitution. But if prayers are taught, why is it wrong to teach children about how other religions pray?

Ya know, I'm not CHristian nor do I have any children. But if I did have children, I would be very upset at any Christian teachings/prayer in school, I wouldn't want my children indoctrinated.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:59 PM
I think he's saying they shouldn't be making the children memorize any prayer whether it be Christian or any other religion. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? This is rediculous and I can't believe a court would uphold this ruling.

Now, what do you think would have happened if the teacher decided to teach the Muslims in the class how it is to be Christian and made them memorize Bible scriptures and say the Lord's Prayer? Maybe they should eat pork too! Gotta make sure they know what it's like to be a Christian!

This world is becoming more and more crazy by the minute.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
Learning prayers of "another faith" - what are you saying here? THat kids shouldn't be taught prayers other than Christian ones? Or evangelical ones? We shouldn't be teaching anyone to say any prayers, according to our Constitution. But if prayers are taught, why is it wrong to teach children about how other religions pray?

Which three weeks will be devoted to Wiccan prayers and practices? Jewish? Hindu? Bhuddism? Satanism? When will those classes be? The whole year will be taken up by religious 'teachings'. Or should be, if this is allowed. They shouldn't be teaching evangelical prayers either. Where's the church?


Home school!

[edit on 4-10-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 01:51 PM
I think if schools wish to teach religion, it should be an elective, and should be taught as theology, studying a broad range of religions, perhaps a new one each week, with perhaps even corresponding agnostic or atheistic arguments for each as a counterbalance... It would be an excellent way for kids to learn history, communication, lore, and couldn't help but increase tolerance among their peers. I think it migh also give the kid a healthy world-view in regards to whatever religious practices they choose to excercise (or not excercise, for that matter) as they would have been given a little sample of a broad variety to make a more informed decision from as to what their stances are.

It would certainly, IMO, be much better than the standard rote of "I'm a ________ because my parents were, but otherwise know nothing about my faith," that I run into on an almost constant basis.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Now, what do you think would have happened if the teacher decided to teach the Muslims in the class how it is to be Christian and made them memorize Bible scriptures and say the Lord's Prayer? Maybe they should eat pork too! Gotta make sure they know what it's like to be a Christian!

Excellent point closetrekkie!!
Not only would Muslims protest but they might be inclined to riot as their chilodren would be dis-honored by having Chritianity forced upon them
Tis is precisely the reason why religion needs to be kept out of public schools. I don't pay taxes so that my kids can be exposed to myths (religion) that's responsible for most of the worlds problems. They have their churches, temples, mosques, and Sunday school. Why do they feel the need to foist their rediculous beleifs in a tax-payer funded public venue?!?

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 03:12 PM
Seems like the good old 'power to the moslems' brigades winning again....

If that was Christians teaching moslems to pray and be christians..... Damn riots and revolutions in all middle east countries, an outcry from the president of pakistan, and a death threat from the mullahs of Iran...

But as its Christians, well they lose again huh? B@@###@!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:29 PM
Is this a public school? Haven't we ripped prayer out of all public schools? Haven't we ripped the name of God out of all public schools? If that's the case then Allah has to go too...and the Koran. If I were the parents of these children I'd do my best to make sure their teacher was looking for a new job. Wanna learn the Koran or about Allah, go to an Islamic run instititution.......

Anyway, for me personally, one of the nice things about being Catholic is you can send your kid to a Catholic school and get them a great education and teach them all about your version of God, and not Islam's.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by mirror2U
Is this a public school?

Apparently so.

This article names the school as Excelsior School and speaks of the attorney for Byron Schools:

During the history course at Excelsior School ...
Linda Lye, attorney for the Byron schools.

And this page names Excelsior School of Byron as a Public School:

Contra Costa County Public Schools
Excelsior School of Byron (Middle)

If it were a private school, I'd withdraw all of my comments above because they can teach whatever they want.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 03:15 AM
This trend in Islamic studys in public schools has been known for years in certain circles. It has been carefully kept out of the spotlight so as to go unnoticed by the bulk of American public.

What has been happening across America is that certain influential Muslims and Muslim groups have been giving large sums of moneys to politicians and educators..educational institutions thereby purchasing their way into the cirriculum.
These moneys are coming in from many of the oil rich Arab nations.
In colleges once they begin a cirriculum they soon install Muslim instructors and then eventually more and more moneys are introduced and the body of the colleges and institution begins to change. This works best at the most liberal colleges and in the most liberal states of which California is at the head of the pack.
Certain states up north also with very liberal tendencys are also following this pattern.
This pattern also eventually found its way into our public grade schools through high schools.

This trend has been written about by several authors for years now but falling on deaf ears. EVents like this case will only make a bump in the road they are paving and it will be back to buisness as usual.

REmember the olde Cliche....We have the best government money can buy. This is a textbook example..pun intended. Get ready for more of this.


posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 04:50 PM
I person should educate his child as much as he can.

He should know how to pray because that is the way he contacts God.

As for memorizing the Quran I incourage it for muslims its easier for a child to learn things because it stick in there brain faster.

You gotta keep you child thinking instead of watching TV or playing some PSP that could effect them.

There is some childern who memorize the whole Quran as well as they do very good in school it does not hinder them but actully make them better and more mature and aware

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 05:17 PM
Okay why not have another session, teach the kids how to be Christians, then Jewish, then maybe Buddist appreciation day?

What are the courts thinking anyway, and why the double standard. And besides it is okay to be a target, just like all the gang uniforms kids wear these days, prison fodder for the NWO? Oh they say it it is "cultural appreciation," but there is always a zinger and a trap when it comes from these government goofballs, who are by the way "officials," these days not "public servants."

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 05:31 PM
This is unfortunately one of the disadvantages of Liberalism,
it's way to accepting.

I say they fire anyone who would dare try and teach religion
in public school.

And take it one step further, ban private schools, children should'nt
be taught religion in school.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 06:00 PM
Well Im glad this judge had the good sense to shut those Evangelicals down. They are just upset at the fact that the School was going against their villinization of the muslims by showing them that the Muslim religion isn't as evil as these people are preaching all over the country. The course was 3 weeks. Get over it.


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