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Flight 93 Idea

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posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 09:08 PM
Remember that the 41 minute delay of Flight 93 made it leave at 8:42, not 8:00. It is reported that Flight 93 was over the Cleveland Ohio area at 9:34 am. 52 minutes after take off. 52 minutes to cover 395 miles. A straight line from Newark to Cleveland is 395 miles btw. Average cruising speed of a 757 is .80 mach, or 608 mph, but I found 540 mph as the cruising speed at another site. If my math is correct, going 608 mph for 52 minutes would put you 526 miles away, 540 mph would put you 468 miles away, average distance of 533 miles. This does not take the other factors into consideration that would slow an aircraft down or cause them to fly faster, but this gives you a general idea of what i'm going to talk about in this thread.

Lets add in time to climb to altitude/cruising speed. Lets say it takes 5 minutes to reach altitude and cruising speed in a 757. 47 minutes of actual cruising speed at cruising altitude. 47 minutes at 608 mph is 476 miles, 47 minutes at 540 mph is 423, both are still above the 395 straight shot. If you feel 5 minutes is too fast , say it took 10 minutes to reach cruising altitude/speed, 608 mph for 42 minutes puts you 425 miles away, 540 mph for 42 minutes puts you 378 miles away, something between the 2 matches the info provided. Has any of the flight data been released? I can't find it to back up my math for the trip from Newark to Cleveland.

177 miles from Cleveland to Shanksville, once again this is a straight line. 9:34 to 10:03, 29 minutes. Reports say it crashed at an estimated speed of 580 mph, normal cruising speed from all the info you can find online about 757s. More quick math, 29 minutes at 608 mph puts you 293 miles away. 29 minutes at 540 mph puts you 261 miles away. How did it take 29 minutes to go from the Cleveland area to Shanksville at anything near cruising speeds? 29 minutes to go 177 miles would average 368 mph. That is 200 mph less then normal cruising speed and 200 mph less then the speed range I calculated it was going before it changed direction in the Cleveland area. I find this strange and noe of the biggest reasons why I wanted to post this.

I cannot find any facts on the flight speeds, but I can figure out how fast they were going on average between the areas they were at according to the times given. Having the black box data will fill in the blanks, but that info isn't released, or my internet searches need practice.

One last thing to mention. If Flight 93 got to Cleveland @ 9:34 at an average cruising speed of 540 mph, would it have enough time to land/deplane/take off, and reach Shanksville according to the crash time of 10:03? We know it is 177 miles from Cleveland to Shanksville, straight line again. Cruising speed is between 540 and 608 mph. Every minute spent on the ground would increase the average cruising speed of 368 mph by 12 mph. We know that we can cruise at 540 mph, so we would have around 14 minutes (20 minutes at 608 mph cruise) to land, deplane, take off, then crash. Is this possible?

I feel this can happen if the ground crew is prepped and the runway was cleared. So were there any flights taking off/landing at Cleveland at 9:34 (10:34 Clevelan time) that would have prevented this from happening, or was the Cleveland airport waiting for Flight 93 to land/deplane/take off? Were there any airports in the flight path from Cleveland to Shanksville that can handle a 757 landing/deplane/take off in 14-20 mintues?

We know that Delta Flight 1989 landed in Cleveland at 10:10 (9:10 Eastern), and another plane landed after that around 9:45 Eastern. Was this Flight 93? It was in that area around that time. What really crashed in Shanksville? Were the phone calls made from Flight 93 part of the terrorist exercises going on that day? This leads me to ask more questions and try to find more data. Reading about the 2 seperate debris fields in PA makes me wonder.

I hope my ideas about airspeed isn't a repeat post.


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