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Top 10 Personality Traits of a CTer

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posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
This should be retitled as Top 10 worst personality traits of a conspiracy theorist. I can take 1 through 10 and apply them to many of the threads that I have contributed too because I do not believe thermite, sonic pulse weapons, holograms and missles were used to bring down the WTC on 9/11. However, I do believe that Flight 93 was shot down.

Would you describe yourself as a conspiracy theorists or someone who believes in certain conspiracies?

I think his post is spot on in describing a majority actual conspiracy theorists. There is, of course, a minority of actual conspiracy theorists who don't fit that description at all.
Then there's the people who can see that, yeah, some things are very questionable and there's a good chance of some sort of conspiracy in play, but for the most part don't believe in a lot of conspiracies.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 11:12 AM
I agree with others who have previously cited these statements too broad & generalized to be applicable to any specific group of people. Let alone conspiracy theorists.

I agree with you KIA with respect to the fact that these "traits" do indeed describe some conspiracy theorists, but they would also describe many other groups of individuals as well so I don't see this list lending any credence to the point you are trying to imply here.

We are all individual & unique. If you created a data base that could encapsulate all our individual & unique "traits", overlay them, and then see what people align under the "10 traits" you have mentioned I think you would find. . . nothing.

You would find young & old, black & white, male & female, conservative & liberal,
CTer's & sheeple. . . There would be no rhyme or reason to any of it. Even if you asked very straightforward questions like;

Is it O.K. to kill someone?

Is the earth flat?

Is God real?

Again, you would find young & old, black & white, male & female, conservative & liberal, CTer's & sheeple. . . On both sides of these questions. This list is nothing more than what it is. . . A list. . . Could fit any person on the planet. So my answer to your original question is 1 vote INCORRECT!

Here's another thought to chew on.

Can any of you actually say that you have NEVER EVER ONCE questioned something because you believe it to be false? That you're not being told the truth? That someone somewhere is hiding something? If you can't, then you're a conspiracy theorist too & welcome to the club. There's just many different levels of it that we all reside under. We're all human, therefore we all question what we are told to some extreme. We can't help it. ( Thank God! )

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:22 PM
Thanks to everyone for their opinions....I even thank you for the personal attacks.
Loam...yes, I am being an honest broker here.
Some of you have cited my responses with the Olberman thread.....So what? I can't have an opinion? Some of you hate it when the words you use are given back, and thus my use of the word sheeple with regard to that thread. I won't get into that thread or my responses here.

As for this subject, I will agree with the pervasive thought that folks from both sides of any arguement can and do exhibit some of these traits. My entire point with this is not to suggest that all of you exhibit these...make no mistake, some on this board in fact do exhibit these traits. I generally have no problem with people that question things......I'd just like for the questions and arguements to be constructive and built in logic.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
This should be retitled as Top 10 worst personality traits of a conspiracy theorist. I can take 1 through 10 and apply them to many of the threads that I have contributed too because I do not believe thermite, sonic pulse weapons, holograms and missles were used to bring down the WTC on 9/11. However, I do believe that Flight 93 was shot down. Trying to have a conversation in some threads is like trying to get a cup of coffee in downtown Beirut. Difficult, tiring and shots coming at you from ALL directions.

I mean, some of these posts show exactly what was trying to be explained in the first post. Never hang yourself with a post.

To a certain extent, yes, this is correct. Attack the poster and not the premis. Why attack at all? I am not surprised at this, perhaps a bit dissapointed and at the same time not surprised. Some of you think you know my motives and my politics along with my views of the world. Most of you are wrong. To some of you...thanks for making the points of the original article.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 04:45 PM
KIA enjoy my ignore list, you've just become the first one on it. Think what the world would be without people like the CT'ers. I'm done reading this ridiculous thread and would advise others to disengage from this attention seeker also. I have no time for people who pose immature prattle like this list. Hope you feel better about your time spent on a CONSPIRACY de DEEEE!

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
KIA enjoy my ignore list, you've just become the first one on it. Think what the world would be without people like the CT'ers. I'm done reading this ridiculous thread and would advise others to disengage from this attention seeker also. I have no time for people who pose immature prattle like this list. Hope you feel better about your time spent on a CONSPIRACY de DEEEE!

Mr Horseman, I suppose that I should consider an eleventh trait...CHILDISH NAME CALLING! I suppose you are just unwilling to have a discussion.

To those few of you that have responded in a genuine polite manner, THANKS!

The reality is that people like Horse are not good for the cause, because he is right and everyone else is wrong.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Fifth Horseman
KIA enjoy my ignore list, you've just become the first one on it. Think what the world would be without people like the CT'ers. I'm done reading this ridiculous thread and would advise others to disengage from this attention seeker also. I have no time for people who pose immature prattle like this list. Hope you feel better about your time spent on a CONSPIRACY de DEEEE!

Thanks for the problem there, sort of like "taking your ball and going home." Also, thanks for making the point of the article. With folks like you, no debate is necessary.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 05:28 AM
That's true. But what about people who happen to see UFOs then think Aliens are here? Are they Arrogant? Or are you only talking about the ones that make up crap out of nothing?

Are you talking about ALL CTers? If so then you shouldn't really be on this site.

[edit on 17-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by KnowItAll

its strange, but i feel as though you attacked the ct'ers, AND THEN YOU POST THIS!?! i personally spend countless hours researching everyting i can possibly absorb. i have a thirst for knowledgethat has been acquired in my later years. whats funny is that i don't always find i'm being told the truth by my government or media. this doesnt make me a ct'er, but an informed adult with an opinion. YOUR attack on people who question things in this world of illusions,contained some pretty nasty opinions. i do my homework,i keep an open mind,but thinking outside the box is a RESPOSIBILITY held by every free thinking individual on this planet.

posted on Oct, 3 2007 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Spectre0o0
reply to post by KnowItAll

its strange, but i feel as though you attacked the ct'ers, AND THEN YOU POST THIS!?! i personally spend countless hours researching everyting i can possibly absorb. i have a thirst for knowledgethat has been acquired in my later years. whats funny is that i don't always find i'm being told the truth by my government or media. this doesnt make me a ct'er, but an informed adult with an opinion. YOUR attack on people who question things in this world of illusions,contained some pretty nasty opinions. i do my homework,i keep an open mind,but thinking outside the box is a RESPOSIBILITY held by every free thinking individual on this planet.

Okie dokie....
You display...#1, #7 and #10...IMHO.

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