Best regards to all of you for providing and maintaining this excellent medium for the much-neglected thinking segment of the population. I'm glad I
stumbled upon it and I look forward to spending many hours here.
Welcome to ATS!!!!!! Seeing that you shot JR, be sure that you don't shoot me. lol. Have fun around this huge site! Don't get lost! If you happen to
get lost, just U2U me and I'll respond. Well actually you need to make twenty posts for oyu to be able to respond to U2Us. If I'm incorrect someone
correct me.
As always it is nice to have a chance to say Hi to a new member.
What brought you to ATS? I don't even remember what trail I was on that led me in here, but I don't seem to have satiated myself yet, as I am
still here!!!
That TV series about JR was a long time ago, were you a fan?