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Please explain! Smoke on corner of WTC1 after first plane impact

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posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 05:52 AM
the new 911 video from Bob and Bri shows very clearly the smoke coming out of the corner of wtc1 immediately after the first plane impact. even before the first fire fighters arrive! What is this and how can it be explained? i am very sceptical of both the official story AND many conspiracy theories. But this damage so far from the direct plane impact !? Every time i see this image i hear the firefighter in Naudets 911 movie saying: "it looked like the plane has hit the lobby"...
Answers for this problem from both sides, CT's and CT-debunking people are very welcome...

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:41 AM
I have seen this numerous times. And each time I see I am like WTF am I the only one that has ever noticed that?

What is it?

To be honest I don't think it is smoke, but I have no idea what it is.

Maybe it was just the way that part of the building was?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:45 AM
Ever seen a high explosive round hit a building ? well you get a shroud like dust cloud on the opposite side to the impact, and a strange almost 'shifting' of the target, then you get the whamo!

If this is at the very second the plane hit, then its the impact rattling the building...if its not at exact impact times... then I have no idea...almost looks like a water fall of smoke and such in close up...weird indeed.

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:55 AM
>"Maybe it was just the way that part of the building was?"

It is SMOKE! not a part of the building. click on it to enlarge the picture.

>"If this is at the very second the plane hit, then its the impact rattling the building...if its not at exact impact times... then I have no idea...almost looks like a water fall of smoke and such in close up...weird indeed."

the "waterfall of smoke" appears with the impact of the plane and you can see it until wtc 2 collapses (for approx. 30-45 min.) After that, there is to much smoke on the whole scene to see this detail..

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 06:27 PM
Can anyone make a YouTube clip of this or something, for easier access to that part of the video?

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 06:30 PM

It's from that newest 911 video taken by the lady in the apartment. The one that came out at the 5 year anniversary.

It's sunlight shining on the building. When I first saw it I thought it was smoke also.

[edit on 10-1-2006 by Valhall]

posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Ah, alright. When I saw it in that pic above, I thought it looked photoshopped for smoke, I guess because of the lighting being so much different on the smoke compared to the rest of that face of the building. Notice pretty clear angles on the shape, too, and the fact that smoke doesn't really stay in such a distinct shape. Have to admit, though, the film does make it look awfully funny.

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 07:07 AM
This is not sunlight!!!. This area of smoke can be seen in ALL 9-11 videos which show that part of the building at this exact time!!!!!. Its not only visible in the new film but in all movies!!! Check it out for yourself. I can also post the links to movies and pictures here...

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 07:18 AM
Yeah, lol, on second thought I shouldn't jump the gun. I still haven't seen the video of this thing, and honestly don't feel like digging through a bunch of movies to be honest. I have to leave for classes here in about four minutes, and I'm usually either pretty pressed for time or impatient. So I'll hold my tongue until I see that stuff.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:08 PM
yes I noticed this smoke, its like a thin layer creeping up the side of the building, it has definitely come from ground level or the basement, would need to be coming from inside too. I think its additional proof of explosives or at least fire in the basement. It seemed none of the major news network feeds captured this, no surprise there then. It was not caused by the plane impact.

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 11:12 PM
Don't look like smoke to me. Looks more like an object being mirror imaged from the window itself.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 06:00 AM
Ok. I've got reasonable explenation.

It can't be smoke. It is not moving. Smoke is moving/pillowing. It looks like a smoke probably because of compression of video file.

So what could it be ????

Reflection of the sunlight from a building to the right in that video

[edit on 4-10-2006 by STolarZ]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ephrin

This is not sunlight!!!. This area of smoke can be seen in ALL 9-11 videos which show that part of the building at this exact time!!!!!. Its not only visible in the new film but in all movies!!! Check it out for yourself. I can also post the links to movies and pictures here...

Yes, can you please post the video's as the picture is unclear, If we can see the video of it then we'll be able to tell if it is smoke or not


posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 09:27 AM
Its is most definitely SMOKE. I have seen it in a few different video clips. I will go and find you a hi res clip.

watch this video, not sure where abouts it is but its in here. Go to 1:48. I don't have time to watch it all the way through.

I saw another clip of someone driving past the WTC and had a real good close up of this smoke from ground level. If someone could find the clip post it.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by Insolubrious]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Insolubrious
Its is most definitely SMOKE. I have seen it in a few different video clips. I will go and find you a hi res clip.

watch this video, not sure where abouts it is but its in here. Go to 1:48. I don't have time to watch it all the way through.

I saw another clip of someone driving past the WTC and had a real good close up of this smoke from ground level. If someone could find the clip post it.

[edit on 4-10-2006 by Insolubrious]

hmm the video and picture don't really add up?

In the video there is lots of smoke, and yes it does look like smoke coming out of the otherside of the tower, and there is plenty of smoke around it and above it too.

But in the picture there there is only a small amount of smoke in a near enough perfect line? no smoke either side of it? or above it?

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 09:57 AM
I have to agree with Valhall and others here. In the video, you can see that the "smoke" is not moving......then I can only conclude that it could be sunlight reflection or something similar....not smoke.

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 12:33 PM
I totally disagree, I have seen a shot of this smoke much closer up from a different camera angle, if i find it i will post it for you but i can assure you it is most definitely smoke! And yes smoke can easily behave in this way. It looks like it does probably because of an isolated pocket of fire generating it and escaping from the lobby or sub level area. it is rising and moving very slowly which probably means its heavy with some type of chemical or toxin generated from whatever is burning. Whatever chemicals are in that smoke are most likely helping to keep it against the wall too.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 08:41 PM
Just thought I'd resurrect this thread (befitting for Hallowmass, right?) to post this image I just found, relevant and reminding me of this discussion:

That's from the Naudet Bros footage, right after WTC1 was hit.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 08:49 PM
Cheers for the effort in clearing that up. Reflected sunlight. Awesome.


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