posted on Oct, 1 2006 @ 02:48 AM
Well, I was reading over Lear's Moon Imagery thread and Zorgon replied about the STS 75 Incident.
[quote=Zorgon]STS75 Tether Incident...electodynamic tether [free electricity from space by dragging a 12 mile wire through earths magnetic field] NASA
reports "it was a success"... well they powered it up, within a few minutes it built up 10 times expected power... fried... and they lost a 100
million satelite... Public hears test was a success... all copies of the video disappear from the web... but I have a pdf file 378 pages that shows
the arc damage to the shuttle...
So I decided to search a little.
This is one of the better videos I could find,
and the little 'ufos' seems to be in a lot of NASA videos.
Close up of the floating object.
[edit on 1-10-2006 by Xabora]