posted on Oct, 8 2006 @ 12:29 PM
For a while now, I have heard theories involving the Mayan calender and Dec. 22, 2012 and the development of Super Human Beings.
The most common explanation that I have heard is that the end of the Mayan calendar will bring about the end of the world as we know it, and a new era
of human growth and human consciousness, including some of the stuff you are talking about Mysteri.
My question is, have you come across anything like this in your research and if you have, what are your thoughts on it? Is it possible?
Do we all have this latent ability and its simply waiting to be triggered? Or will the new era of consciousness apply only to those born on or after
that date?
To an extent, I believe that when put in extraordinary situations, normal people can rise up and perform miraculous feats; so to an extent I believe
that what you are saying is possible - even if I think that telekinessis is kind of stretching it.