posted on Oct, 7 2006 @ 07:35 AM
appologies in advance for " picking on " your post .... but some things need to be addressed .
Originally posted by Cruizer
Yet there are new mammals of small dog size discover occassionally. And it doesn't percluede anything large from being out out there.
please look carefully at a sample of these newly discovered species -- and note how similar they are to existing known species from the same habitat .
idetifying the diferences , and confirming that it is indeed an entirely seperate species has often required days or weeks of carefull study by
profesional zoologists .
to hold such discovers [ made BTW in some of the most inhospitable and uninhabited wildernesses of the world ] as some kind of evidence that a 9 foot
tall primate is at large in the CONUS , is IMHO laughable -- but people do it
ok thats me done , rant over .