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Test alien disclosure statement?

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posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 07:54 PM
Check out the link below, here is an except from John Lear on a supposed outing of the ufo and alien issue and how it may go.

'So here's what happened, Art. We'll use some videos and stills. Our first UFO recoveries were in the late '30s. We made a couple in the beginning of the '40s and then came Roswell, which the public found out about. We got 2 live aliens from Roswell. One died shortly there after and one lived till 1956. And we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth. Some are good and some are hostile, most are indifferent. We found out that we are the experimental product, if you will, of an alien race who we never met and we don't know who they are. All we know is that the Greys are cybernetic organisms, glorified robots if you will, who work here at the behest of their employers monitoring us through abductions. We were never able to find out what the experiment is all about except that we have been externally corrected about 65 times. And they, the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There's been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments. But nothing's been proven or determined. '

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 07:56 PM
Most people forget to add this part:
Art Bell: Let's say the government chose me. They were going to use me as an outlet to release this information. Let's just say they did that and they took me to a briefing. Then what John

so im guessing this was all hypothetical.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:02 PM
Lear is as big a phoney as Bob Lazar. The only difference is that Lear has absolutely no new info of his own and spews out what other guys like Lazar say. Paying attention to the man only leads to further disorganization in this subject.

We have people with potentially higher credentials like Catherine Austin Fitts (who worked as part of George H W Bush's administration), Bob Dean, and The Disclosure Project's members all saying that aliens are harmless and we are working towards living in a world where it is commonly understood that they live among us. Then there guys like Lear who are simply repeating the same things that Bob Lazar has said, who has a background so full of holes that his story is used to plug them up.

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:08 PM
First of all I would like to say that my subject line suggests strongly that this is a fictional story.

Secondly if one reads it they will know that it is for it claims to be but then again is it?

Many stories are put out there in order to be tested in the realm of public opinion first before being fine tuned for greater consumption.

Yes agreed that Lear has nothing new to say, in fact this material comes from all over the place and he quotes a source that I know well and for which he has not given credit at all. That source is quite controversial yet IMHO also accurate.

Lastly, while Lear is not considered a serious UFOlogist that does not mean that he does not have strong ties to the present elites and that he is not advising us of what comes ahead.

I expect disclosure fairly soon in one form or annother and I expect it in some fashion as has been promoted here at least in a few trial runs. That is why I posted this link, not because it is the 'official pronouncement' but because it looks like a lot like one might if one were to guess what it looks like.

Regarding the facts contained within I cannot disagree with any on them on the whole but they are not total and complete truths either.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:11 PM
Still reading as I am typing this, first off I don't know how much I trust Art Bells guest, he has some people that are really out there sometimes....

This caught my eye however...

A very similar planet to Earth and it's population is very similar to us just technologically advanced. We have learned a lot from them starting with the Russian Venera 1 and US Mariner 2, we made Venus look like a lead melting, volcanic surface, spewing sulfuric acid into a pressurized atmosphere 90 times that of Earth. And as often the case we over did it and we wondered why nobody asked how a parachute survived a descent into 800-degree air.

There's Frank Drake trying to force information out of a being tied down to a stretcher. He was supposedly from Tao Ceti.

These pictures you're looking at now are structures on the Moon. That's the tower in Sinus Medii and it's over seven miles tall. And that thing over there is what we call the Colossus of Oguram(sp) in Mare Crisium. We don't know what it does but the machine itself is bigger than Brooklyn, New York

Also he mentions videos and slides... No link?

But there are websites at the bottom? I am guessing they are some where on these sties?

As much as I want to believe, there is always a part of me saying it's probably lies.

I don't believe what Bob Lazar said, so why should I believe this man?

wouldn't he be killed for this information??

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:16 PM
Bob Lazar told a lot of truth but he also embellished some of it for personal reasons. He became successful from this stories and his own talent of course.

The reasoning behind his ability to survive is that he saved himself by telling his story out loud according to some that have commented on this saga. I don't think that is the reason though that Lazar survived actually, I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that the government destroyed his past and thus any paper credibility that he could ever hope to generate. Thus, it becomes the old do you believe him or not routine?

Just looking around here we find that proof' is the number one drug of choice. Without it we would not get out of bed in the morning, proof that the sun will come up, proof that we will be paid, proof that we must work at all, proof that....

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:23 PM
dunno why the bit about venus intrigued me.

Check out Nasa's venus site...

2004-2009 looks like venus will get some attention?

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:36 PM

interesting that you zeroed in on Venus.

It may well be the smoking gun in this whole UFO and ET thing. I mean the moon and mars even though they are there and all are not happening places.

but little lovely Venus which we ignore has so many secrets in store!

so is our friend Lear so very queer after all?

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 08:40 PM

Venus Express is a European Space Agency (ESA) mission to study the atmosphere and plasma environment of Venus. Venus Express is scheduled for launch on a Soyuz-Fregat booster from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan in November 2005. The trip to Venus will last 153 days, followed by five days of manuevering to bring it into an elliptical 250 x 66000 km polar orbit. The nominal mission duration is roughly two Venus sidereal days (486 Earth days).

Well it's not NASA but was on their site... hmmm.

You're right about venus, I never thought twice about it, I always thought about something being on mars and la luna.

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Lysergic]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 09:46 PM

We found out that we are the experimental product,

This is what the aliens themselves have told me numerous times. I'm not sure what they mean other than that if the whole experiment fails then it is no great loss to them and they will start it (human life) all over again. They have no feelings at all for our world because it is just some kind of lab experiment.

All we know is that the Greys are cybernetic organisms,

The aliens have taught me for years how they create cyborgs, and I wrote in another thread, about alien disclosure, that many humans are little more than cyborgs. I have masses of information about this but it would be like trying to explain the workings of a NASA spacecraft to two dimensional cartoon characters; no offense intended, and i'm not qualified to explain it anyway.

The beings create many different types of organic being, and other types of being, and implant them with technology which controls their consciousness perfectly. So they have merged alien consciousness with lower life forms via advanced technology. The species doing this are tentacled aliens that live in a liquid atmosphere. If you look at that classic Mayan artifact, showing a person operating what appears to be a spacecraft of some kind, you will notice that below the human there is the abstract depiction of a large tentacled being that has its tentacles reaching around the human.

the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There's been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments.

That's what the aliens have taught me also. Human souls are actually alien souls and are placed into human bodies, which are little more than containers. The consciousness of the humans is controlled so that their alien occupants are not discovered.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 04:40 PM

I agree with everything you have written but consider the following also:

why the obsession with containers?

did they make the initial containers? I say no. They were made by 6d entities our controllers are only 4d.

why the intervention by 4d in our affairs? It is to control the container via DNA modification in order to maintain control over the soul that inhabits it. The soul is the true thing of concern.

If our souls (those of us that have them), are higher than those that control us (for they are), then are we not more powerful than our controllers? The answer is yes, we were designed for complete integration of body and soul with far greater power than our controllers wield over us. Consider that technology of any kind has no control over us only if we believe it does.

what do you think the garden of Eden refers to?
that question I will answer later.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Aztec
the aliens, refer to us as "Containers." There's been speculation that the souls our bodies contain is the reason for the experiments.

That's what the aliens have taught me also. Human souls are actually alien souls and are placed into human bodies, which are little more than containers. The consciousness of the humans is controlled so that their alien occupants are not discovered.

This intregues me much, as it would tie in so much in different theory. Even religion.

Lets hypothisize that this could be true. Our souls do continue after death, (into eternity with 'God') this could mean alot, including why us humans, strive for so much knowledge. We strive becouse deep down inside, we know there must be something else then what we are living, we just do not believe wholeheartedly in our consious state, we are unable to cross over into, life after 'death', until the container is expired, in which the truth would be there?

Now lets say the experiment ends (2012?), and enlightenment occurs. What would that mean to the aliens containers then, if the container only holds the soul? Does the container control his/her/it's destiny at this point?

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 06:46 PM

"why the obsession with containers?....... "did they make the initial containers? I say no. They were made by 6d entities our controllers are only 4d........" ................"why the intervention by 4d in our affairs? It is to control the container via DNA modification in order to maintain control over the soul that inhabits it. The soul is the true thing of concern."

Human containers are made up of layers or bodies from a number of densities which fit together like the colors of the rainbow fit together, and each body is manipulated by beings from its same density. So there is vast amounts of work being performed behind the scenes, and the flesh bodies are just a cultivated organism designed to play a vital part in this multidimensional system.

It's a multilayered program involving the entities from many densities. The program is held in place by controlled pressure and release from the different densities, and the whole multidimensional system is controlled as one complete unit by information which travels in light, in all its forms, from a universal mind which could be referred to as God.

We recognize the release as good and the pressure as bad, and yet they are both necessary for maintaining perfect order. The awesomely powerful soul must be kept tightly contained whilst it is experiencing these somewhat delicate states of reality, and so a great deal of manipulation of consciousness takes place to stop the soul from realizing itself. This manipulation cannot be done by pure soul beings because that would entail the soul beings' raw energy coming too close, destroying this reality. So there are beings of limited consciousness from other densities who perform all the manipulation for the pure soul beings.

In order to keep us in ignorance, and pointed in the wrong direction, these beings of limited consciousness are programmed to scare humans away from themselves. And so we reach for the pure soul beings and flee from the lower consciousness beings that are simply workers for the soul beings. However if we were to overcome our fears and learn everything there is to know about the lower consciousness types of beings then we would uncover some important information about how we are being kept here on this density.

It is true that we are vastly more powerful than the lower types of conscious beings that manipulate us, and this is a good reason not to be afraid of them in any way. However the soul energy could destroy this fragile world with it's awesome power and so people in general will probably never realize their true natures until they leave this world.

That's the understanding I have, although each person would have a unique view on these matters.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
And they, the aliens, refer to us as "Containers

There is an old story, floating on internet, about a so-called antediluvian book ( wrote by an Alien race ) saying that we're all " containers ".

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