posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 11:13 AM
I couldn't access the video, I am running firefos, and will have to try to check it out on IE..
That said, excaped exotic cats are nothing new. A few years ago, there was a huge news about a cougar or some kind spotted in Cobbs Creek, a largish
park on the outskirts of Philadelphia.
There were videos taken, photos of paw prints.. Then the cat disappeared.
I myself while waiting for the 47 bus on the corner of 4th and Allegheny saw someone stopped at the light on an ATV. And as I looked, I realized that
wasn't a stuffed animal on the back of the 4 wheeler, it was a REAL, LIVING tiger cub.
I pointed it out to my mom, and while the light was red, we simply stared in amazment. When I got home, I believe I called the PSPCA, which was
actually not too far away, near B st and on Erie Ave.
This is going to sound crazy, I told them, and related my story, where I was told they had many reports of a tiger cub, ect, ect.
A few months later the tiger cub jumped out of a window and was found, named Cisco, and later died of some bacterial or viral infection.
Interestingly enough, this was big news when it happened, about 6-7 years ago, but there seems to be nothing on the web about it, though I admit, I
just ran a few basic searches, and didn't look very hard.
The point is that with encroachment, and irreputable animal dealers, odd animals in places where they shouldn't be are becoming fairly common.
I myself found a eastern box turtle walking down the middle of the street in the Kensington section of Philly.. DEEP ghetto, no where for that to have
just wandered in out of the woods.
Last week, I was no more than 8 feet from a pair of sparring bucks in Fairmount Park.. Oh for a cross bow!! Thatr night, we saw no less than 9 deer,
One a trophy buck if I ever saw one.
I have also seen pheasants in Kensington, peacocks in Nicetown-Tioga, and awhat was either a VERY large turkey or a small emu in West Philly, right by
Fairmount Park.. Not so coincidentally, right outside the Philadelphia Zoo.