posted on Sep, 27 2006 @ 01:38 PM
Today while live on fox, Senator Boxer, a senator from California, decided to take a couple quick shots at Fox News. During the Senators interview,
she talked about various issues, but ended it on our policy on the Iraq War. When the FOX reported responded by telling the Senator that bush has
shown documents that proves our offensive in iraq hasn't caused a rise in terrorism, the Senator responded with sarcastic responses as a quick shot
toward FOX news.
This is the video footage of the event.
Heres a transcript of the conversation:
SEN. BOXER [D-CA]: I hear that you agree with the president. I am not surprised.
FOX ANCHOR: We are just trying to bring both sides.
SEN. BOXER (with the sarcasm on high): Yeah, you are fair and balanced, thank you very much.
FOX ANCHOR: Thank you very much. Indeed we are...
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Well haha, that is interesting. I think we can all agree senator boxer holds Fox News with high esteem haha. With all the backlashes fox has been
getting lately from their interviews with democrats and such I wonder if they are simply trying to do it on purpose. Im wondering if they are trying
to make people look bad by bringing them on air then pushing right wing politics right in their faces during the interview to fire them up.
As you saw with president clinton interview sunday, he clearly pushed right wing slant at the president to fire him up. This time bringing up how the
president showed how he "clearly disagrees with her".
[edit on 27-9-2006 by grimreaper797]
[edit on 27-9-2006 by UM_Gazz]