posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 08:38 PM
the time path hope this helps you guys, it is what i believe to be the phase of mind transfer, and the human relation to hyperspace. something time
loop (which i hope i am not out of) plasna ottace psychological kinetic inductance, which is something i can explain to you. time as in the pulse of
nature we are born into and surrounded by, loop as in the forces we endure, plasna as in the negative energy enacted through our minds to react to
this process,(positive/negative energy react) ottace as in the positive energy product we ascend to and ascertain, and the psychological kinetic
inductance we fashion to harmomize with the world and the universe around us. does this make sense to you? i say path because it is what i walk.
[edit on 30-9-2006 by sturod84]