Originally posted by Stratrf_Rus
Without which, would the world starve as most of the world barely hangs-on even with the export of tremendous amounts of American Wealth, causing a
damaging recession in the world economy?
This notion of free trade is what I call "criminal trade". There should be 50% tarrifs on almost all imports coming into the US.
Communist nations also love free trade because it allows them to be able to dump all their cheap crap on our markets and pay no penalties and how the
heck are Americans supposed to compete against slave labor in nations like China? One deal China has is that they invest in US Treasury Notes if the
US sells their products and that also requires the Chinese to keep their dollar as low as possible. However, it is getting interesting now because
China is now worried they are going to be stuck with devalued American dollars and so they are slowly moving their investing into Gold. So, the
little friendship between China and US and the free trade are both soon coming to an abrupt end.
I do not blame corporations from wanting to go to India when the US government continues to raise taxes but I'm sorry, I'm sick and tired of dealing
with terrified people that cannot provide me a return phone number because their slave masters in India do not want me to know where they are calling
me from! I don't think customers feel well treated when they have a US service and cannot even speak to a manager who should be close enough, to
care enough! Do we all like having 3'rd world nations having full access to all your medical and insurance policies? So much for privacy.
Besides, I KNOW stuff made in the USA is often better quality and I will pay more for it. At the end of the day, do we all really save anything on
free trade? So who does save then? And if I am bringing home a decent salary in US funds, then eventually the economy will boom. On the other hand,
the intention is to destroy the middle class, so this is also deliberate. Now throw in El Open Border with Mexico and we now have anoher problem
also. One of the constant excuses I hear from people who are in favour of free trade is" " well, the Americans cannot handle doing all these dirty
jobs - Americans do not want these jobs..blah blah". Well for those people who do say this, let me ask you a question: "did those factory/assembly
line workers, waste disposal, the guy in the grocery store, the guy in shipping and recieving and anyone esle who has had their jobs outsourced,
decide to lay themselfs off?" Obviously, if they are paid well, we will have people ready to do all sorts of jobs in America and also people ready
to invest in America and spend there also.
IBM just bailed the last location from manufacturing in the US and moved into China. Gee, I wonder what would happen if we started imposing huge
tarrifs on all their goods? I bet they would be forced into coming back to America and hiring some people back.
America did not become number 1
based upon competing against other nations that pay slave wages, America become number 1 by having their own people wealthy enough and a strong
economy and those wealthy people were buying and selling within America - period!
America is now in a recession (as of the last couple weeks) - but of course they are not telling the American people the truth about it. The whole
deal with the dollar devaluing is not as simple to explain but it has to do with the banking cartel manipulating it daily by shorting Gold and Silver,
foreign investments, real estate, free trade, the precious metals, oil and so many other factors. But you are correct in assuming that America is in
trouble - they
are and do not let anyone tell you
otherwise! And we will soon wake up a second class nation unless something is done to stop it. The middle class in America is under attack by Fabian
Socialists and international bankers. Please see my post
here on what is
happening also.
[edit on 1-10-2006 by Cinosamitna]