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Pick Your Favorite Homoerotic Torture Technique

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posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 10:14 AM

NEW YORK--Right-wing Republicans are weird. When gays and lesbians want to marry and raise kids in the suburbs, the right-wingers freak out. "Perverts!" they scream at these bland strivers. But when supposedly straight soldiers in the army, marines and CIA engage in male-on-male rape and other acts of homosexual sadism so bizarre and extreme they turn off the average, gay-marriage-craving civilian, Republican legislators think it's the best thing ever.

No one talked about it much at the time, but those now-forgotten photos of torture and humiliation at Abu Ghraib were the kind of extreme homoerotic kink your local porn vendor keeps hidden under the counter. Iraqi inmates of mental asylums led around like dogs on leashes. Iraqi prisoners, almost all later released as innocent, stripped of their clothes and forced to pile on top of each other naked.

Of course, America's state media censored the most disturbing images. Hundreds of photos showed sex acts between and among soldiers and detainees. Male prisoners were videotaped while being forced to masturbate and have sex with one another. They were forced to wear women's underwear. U.S. soldiers, CIA torturers and private mercenaries hired by the Bush Defense Department sodomized them with flashlights and possibly broomsticks. They were kept naked for days at a time. Some were smeared with feces. &uc_comic=ru

I know we have discussed this at length, but think of the irony of it all again. We're adults, we can handle it. We have a twisted view of the world, dont we. This story says it all.

Its mindbogling that the lesser practices common to the US are chastised, while they allow this to go on in our military. Hypocrites.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:16 PM
I think this article is silly. It would be like saying all left-wingers are pedophiles because there are a few that are. This article is speculative and hate mongering. Dg, I've seen your posts and it's quite obvious you don't like republicans, but even this one is low for you.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Oh, its not a new low at all, its the truth!!!

On the one hand they condemn homosexual practices, on the other they cheer such shenanigans!!! The unspoken words and the cheerleading for Bush and Rumsfeld says it all.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:55 PM
I just spent two hours listening to the right winger's golden haired boy, Rush Limbaugh, comparing the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib to some college kid's hazing experience. Now THAT was hatemongering, not DG pointing out that conservatives seem to like their sodomy with violence.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:56 PM
I'm not sure I know how to reply to this, but I'll try.

I spent a bit of time around military bases in Canada when I was young, places like Comox and Esquimalt, but others as well. Most of the personnel on a base are young horny males that are full of testosterone and very few outlets for release, so yes, there's a lot of male-on-male action going on.
What they are doing to these prisoners isn't gay though.

They are using these acts to degrade the enemy and instill fear into the populous. It's one of the oldest tactics of war, and it's going to be a fact of war until the robots take over.
These same tactics are learned while in training when they are used against raw recruits to turn them into automaton that will do the government's bidding.

It's a crappy fact of life that war is hell, but it's not going away anytime soon.....

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:08 PM
IMO, interrogation tactics dont have to have sexual overtones of this magnitude.

If we're going to chastise gays you'd think we should not allow such behavior, eh?

What they're doing is not only disgusting and immoral, but its the very thing that our right winged nutjobs condemn here at home. Yet they seem to back this behaviour up for the sake of war.
We are not at war with donkey's (BTW, that would be animal abuse) we are at war with human beings we do not agree with.

Reading this article made me sick to even think this is what some of you are supporting.

I know its a sore subject to many to bring this up- but look at it and tell me you dont see the hypocrisy in it. Its absolute hypocrisy.

I love controversy so feel free to attack me- I post the truth.

[edit on 26-9-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:19 PM
That's why I think military in general should be extincted.
It degrades you teaching the "glory of war" and cruel acts pursuing results no matter what.
to these barbarian "stone age" acts.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
I think this article is silly. It would be like saying all left-wingers are pedophiles because there are a few that are. This article is speculative and hate mongering. Dg, I've seen your posts and it's quite obvious you don't like republicans, but even this one is low for you.

What I think is silly is that a response like this would focus more on the issue of liberal vs. conservative, while once again *drum roll please* getting away from the focus that the current administration, which is undeniably conservative, is sanctioning such acts by not punishing those involved in perpetrating these horrific acts, and in some cases apparently can be linked to paying them to do it! Also I find it silly to be attacking the viewpoints of a member, when it was posted without mention of liberal/conservative. The article had it yes, but not the OP.

So when someone posts something that is happening because of the Gerbil administration that we have, I can see how you would think it's a conservative/liberal issue. However, it is what it is. Plain and simple. This administration has been sanctioning things like this. So if you think this is about only Republicans, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. This is about what is going on.

Each and every soldier that perpetrated these acts should be court-martialed immediately, and held accountable for their actions. Any leader at any level of this government who knowingly allowed it to continue (though we know how they tend to "forget" these "inconveniences") should be tried in criminal court. If the president knew, and was allowing it, then if justified, he should be held to the world court. That is why we set these systems up, not for show, but to get 'er done.

I am disgusted to know that representatives of my country supposedly on a task to "liberate a people" are engaging in acts, that while possibly construed as homoerotic, are more than likely neither homosexual, nor erotic, for the parties enduring the torture. I'm curious to know how some of the gents that support this here would enjoy this happening to them, and I am more than sure that KY is not sending shipments over to Iraq. I doubt I need to detail how that would feel any further.

Then I'm curious on how exactly you would feel towards the people that committed these crimes towards you, and what you would do to stop them. More than likely, your enemy would call you a "terrorist".

It is ironic that we will look at gay people as being sexual deviants, while allowing this sort of behavior to occur. So it's ok to torture people in man-on-man acts, but it's not ok for gay people to do it at home, because it doesn't correspond with the conservatives viewpoints on an old book? How shameful of them, and truly hypocritical.

Now, I will also say this, the "liberal" side of the spectrum is not doing much more to help with their career political hacks in congress that flip-flop on what they support, and support wars when it is deemed politically wrong for them not to; then turn around and stop supporting it, when it might give them a political advantage. I'm not forgetting that side so easily either. I definitely don't forget Clinton dropping his saxophone for a moment while running for pres, to get a little "gay people can get into the military no problem" and rallying all these gay's to vote for him, when he gave us a "don't ask, don't tell" policy that was nothing more than a silencer. Of course, I don't remember him letting any great gay bills go through his administration either. However, to my knowledge, his administration wasn't so openly allowing the sodomization of prisoners.


posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:21 PM
I think muslim snuff out films of captives are more crazy then any Iraqi prison abuse.

At least you get a tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:38 PM
"Jesus Christ, i'd have to say dog on a leash, that sounds kind of fun!"-Mr. Slave from South Park

In all seriousness- this is better than ripping out organs when they're alive.

posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Its mindbogling that the lesser practices common to the US are chastised, while they allow this to go on in our military. Hypocrites.

Just so we're on the same page. There are very few incidents like the ones mentioned in the story. The story is somewhat generalizing the entire military, especially the Army and Marines, as taking part in "male-on-male rape and other acts of homosexual sadism so bizarre and extreme they turn off the average, gay-marriage-craving civilian".

And from what I've read, it's the Army, not the Marines. These are isolated incidents, the entire military cannot be portrayed as sadistic wackos. I reserve that title for the one's that actually take part in it (the torture) and also for the one's who try to justify it.

I agree, torture, interrogation, call it whatever...should not involve sexual acts, forcing someone to take part in sex or anything close to it...that's friggin rape. No questions about it.

[edit on 26/9/2006 by SportyMB]

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