posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 03:08 AM
I don't think I had posted this before on BTS, but I was reviewing my email outbox and came across one I came up with and became too drunk to
remember I sent it and completely forgot about it. Since I am usually intoxicated when I play with numbers and find these things after the fact they
always seem to me like divine influence, because I never have enough faculties to actually come up with them when I am sober. In fact, I am usually
so wound up when I am sober that I am a sub-genius robot.
Anyway, I wanted to post this relationship between the classic 3 1/2 days in Revelations, as described as 42 months and the text of the Book of Daniel
describing Neb's dream of the statue with feet made of clay and iron.
I did an analysis of the elements iron and clay and came up with the atomic weights for iron oxide (unmolested iron) as being 74.85 and clay
(Al^2si^2O^5(OH)^4) as being 258.16.
The total atomic weight of these not being mixed but weighed together is 333, or half of 666. I referenced this before in another post about the feet
being two feet having seperate weights of 333 with both weighing 666.
What is peculiar is that the ratios between the weights of iron and clay references the 3 1/2 times mentioned in the bible.
The ratio between iron and clay is 3.45
3.45 X (days in a year)=1260
3.45 X 365.25=1260
1260 is the number of days listed as 42 months or 3 1/2 years described in Revelations.
Furthermore, the reciprocal of 3.45 is .29
.29 expressed as days of one year is 105 days, which is also 3 1/2 months.
Thought this was worthy of some discussion.