Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Originally posted by LordBaskettIV
That is the total truth. We are basicly holding back....we could outright demolish them if we really wanted to.
Why is it that everytime we fall into a quagmire "we are holding back"? Could it not be that American citizens and the world have been lied to
and America is not as militarily powerful as everyone thinks? I mean, this crap of, "Oh, we are just holding back," is getting old.
We have lost nearly 3,000 troops since this conflict began,not couting Afghanistan, and to be honest, it doesn't look like we are gaining any
headroom at all. So, if we are so mighty, why not show it to the world once and for all? You see,that's the conuundrum, we are not as mighty as we
have deceived the world and ourselves to believe we are.
[edit on 28-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]
I tend to agree with your attitude and good sense, here, and I just want to add bit to the mix.
The loss figures you have quoted are grossly in error by more than 20,000. The reason for that is the fact that total casualties include more than
KIAs. The Total casualty figure for Iraq alone is 23,000+. All of that is "loss" because these other 20+K WIAs are no longer in combat or in
country. Currently, the casualty rate in Iraq is a full Batallion per month KIA/WIA/MIA; and all at a monetary cost of more than 7 billion per month.
Conveniently, the Administration and the Media forget to tell you these figures--meaning that they are not telling the Truth. The greater majority of
the WIAs are changed for Life. Their War injuries, like my own, are permanant and disableing.
For the Flag-waivers and gung-ho types up here, let me add this note from personal experience, just so you will at least try to understand my point,
and the truth about Combat and Warfare. There is more to being a Patriot than waving the Flag. More often than not, Patriotism requires that Love your
country enough to speak out when it's wrong and on the wrong track. I am saying this from the standpoint of spending 1 year, 9 months, and 11 days as
a combat Soldier in Vietnam--until I was blown up by a Kate missile. Let me tell you, that any and all flag-waiving zeal you may have had when you
landed in-country evaporates and disappears from your psyche and thoughts, and your innocence and morality vanishes like so much smoke in the wind
exactly when the first enemy round cracks past your ears; never to return. Your days become a matter of bare bones survival, and you learn to live
like, and act like, and animal--your life depends on it. You learn to ignore the smell of gunpowder, fuel/air. napalm, C-4, RDX, burning human flesh,
and rotting bodies, and to ignore the screams of the wounded and dying on both sides. Trust me, there is none of your damned "glory" in it. Are you
afraid? YES, and you learn to ignore it, because, if you don't, it will kill you or somebody else. Do you "hold back"? NO--if you do you will not
Do I support our Troops? YES, but I do not support the current mission--which is supplying the blood for a New Democracy. That is something the Iraqis
need to do on
their own. You cannot understand or appreciate Freedom or Liberty without winning it on your own, and that requires the sacrifice of your own people.
We cannot limit that risk for them, and should not. Freedom is hard-won, and not easy to keep. The only way to understand the cost and the concept is
to participate fully in the winning of it and dealing with the cost i money and lives yourself. Support the Iraqi effort? Cetrainly!--but not with
American or Coallition Blood. We insured their free choice, they chose Freedom, and now it is up to them.
Now I have a question for you Flag-waivers---What do you mean by "we're just holding back"? Specifically what is it that we are holding? "Holding
back" kills our people, folks, so, if we are holding back, something is terribly wrong.
[edit on 29-9-2006 by Ed Littlefox]