posted on Sep, 26 2006 @ 05:32 PM
Maybe look
behind the
who of Pew... or not. How can they know? Exactamundo! It's what "they"
want for our future turf? If one
looks at the folks involved and the penetration of this in biz circles? Who's to say eh? The Berkeley crew and William Gibson or even we 3 have a
better chance of guessing... LOL.
But no, eh, I do want the fat pipes, I do want global access and I'm "afraid" of what that might mean for some... how big can the digital divide
get? Ethical issue maybe... for some. Always the blade cuts both-ways, always a price to pay.
I can remember bein' on a dial-up BBS back in the... well a long time ago... we thought we we're PHAT at 300 baud... rotary handsets and handset
receptical modems - I remeber the first time I wired money... telex, POTS init strings and on those new-fangled 5-and-a-quarter floppies.
Beyond that... tech-investors do take this stuff pretty seriously - no "bucks" no "Buck Rogers"... I think if the "tech savvy" like you guys
stay "up on the wheel" and find a venue such as ATS... perhaps we'll get by pretty good. New pipes - new plumbers.
I lost track of the number of com protocols... new one's all the time... and that ain't even the half-of-it, no not by half. Oops 6:30 gotta go As
It Happens is on Carol Oft interviews the President of Pakistan...
Victor K.
EDIT: They have some "other" predictions too - nice little racket:
Forward 150
Back 150
KidZone - Rockin with Spot, the Nanodog ECE? Yikes!
Teachers' Tips Vic hear's the theme from Speilberg's "JAWS"
The previous "Embargoed" Study - 2004
Hockey - fore-checking gets the lead - back-checking insures the victory... LOL.
Victor K.
[edit on 26-9-2006 by V Kaminski]