If I uploaded a photo of a UFO that had landed. Lets just say in my back yard, no one would believe me even if i was telling the truth. You would all
claim that photos are easily faked. So why is it everytime NASA or ESA release's a photo of Mars or the Moon, its considered to be authentic and
real. Those latest pictures of Mars look over exposed to me and dont look natural.
I totally agree with what Bobby3 said if there was an alien civilization on mars all traces of it would have eroded away by now. I've seen pictures
of Egyptian pyramids on Earth that look less like pyramids than some of the Mars pictures which are claimed to be nothing more than natural rock
I personally dont trust Nasa and why should I ?
Check out the UFO documentary
What annoys me is that we have evidence of something that cant be explained and that we have a space agency whose main purpose is to explore and
discover and carry out an indepth scientific investigation and analysis of all those things we dont understand to help further our understanding &
knowledge of the world in which we live. Yet all we get from NASA are lame excuses and silence on such matters as UFO's.
There's one example where Storey Musgrave see's an object during a mission. He has been with NASA for 30 years and been involved in 6 missions. On
one mission he spotted what can only be described as a snake like object in space. He stated "Twice I have seen what I call my eel - like a rubber
hose with internal motions." Maybe it is 8 feet or 10 feet long. There is no question that it has internal motion" .
www.thewhyfiles.net... Sorry not very good quality - I'll see if i can find better quality footage.
www.thewhyfiles.net... Some other interesting videos.
www.thewhyfiles.net... Anomalous object caught on film in the vicinity of the Mir Space Station. Note how the object pauses and
then changes direction - could it be intelligently controlled? (No doubt the skeptics will be saying its just the camera panning, lol)
If all these objects are simply debris, dust particles and ice particles, then why did NASA stop broadcasting its transmissions from the space shuttle
and Space Station and resorted to using a secure channel instead. What's there to hide? There's been numerous times when an object has been caught
on camera only for NASA to suddenly switch channels and cut the download link. Why ? To protect us from the revelation of space dust, lol
It beggars belief that we are seeing objects like this time & time again and there doesn't appear to be any scientific investigation whatsoever from
NASA or any other scientists of what these objects could be. Ignorance is bliss.
I know this probably belongs in a different thread but its the main reason why I dont believe anything that NASA has to say.
I guess goldeagle sums it up. These pictures prove nothing. You can speculate all you like until we go there in person and even then can we trust NASA
to be honest and upfront in what they might find ? I doubt it.