posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 06:52 AM
Heya All , i hope you are well .
I have just been lookin into this and it appears that all the info surrounding this thing points to bin laden NOT being dead,
A saudi official told CNN that bin laden is suffering from some sort of waterborn illness, Allthough there is no substancial evidence to suggest that
he is dead, This official said he is ill apparently but definetly not dead.
The US authoroties allso say that there is nothing to prove that he is dead.
The report saying that he died from typhoid fever in pakistan is being covered as un substantiated by US white house spokesman blair jones.
The us also has no confirmation of this said report.
even the french are sayin the report is no way confirmed
Across the Atlantic, French President Jacques Chirac said the report was "in no way confirmed" and that he was initiating an investigation into
who leaked the confidential document to L'Est Republicain.
Further to that Bin Ladens family are saying that they no nothing of this ,
now if someone dies there family should know about it right??
I dont know but it wouldnt surprise me if this is some sort of disinfo and missdirection of some sort.
have a look at this
by clicking here
Omega ,
btw CNN reported this on the 24 sep 06 at 1:04 am EDT