posted on Nov, 6 2003 @ 06:29 PM
I've noticed in recent days, two of my formerly fave websites-
have posted articles denouncing Howard Dean and supporting Dennis Kucinich.
Now while I both like and respect both candidates, their writers obviously do not.
Titles of articles from both sites----
Dean, Hawk in Doves Clothing
Dean's White Following
Dean: Anti-Black and Law Breaking
These people, so called- 'progressives' have become so splintered and self-marginalized from the mainstream they have to use inflammatory rhetoric
like that
to disparage members of their own party?
Would they like to vote Bush in again with such divisive tactics?
I would encourage all my fellow leftists and democrats not to support
KPFK, (90.7 FM Pacifica) and these websites who would enjoy polarizing the left, (as if the Extreme Right and the Christian Conservatives haven't
polarized America enough) and make our vision of restoring America to peace and properity, lost in a revolutionary haze of hateful slander only to
fracture the voters into another lost generation of independants who never had their splintered dream realized.