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Is Chavez trying to start a Civil War here in America

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posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 12:44 PM

You have voted Echtelion for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Great post, full agree with you.

Bush should be allowed to call Iran the axis of all evil, while Chavez should not be allowed to call Bush the devil.

Many Americans complain as much about the current Administration as foreigners, how would some among us define them? American America bashers?

Since when should we, including Chavez, not be allowed to freely express our opinions anymore? Obviously in the eyes of some America should be less democratic than what it currently is.

In addition, the Bush Administration has an opinion on each and every country on this planet, why oh why do I never hear some among us complain when he is saying bad things about those countries? Now someone else says ''bad things'' about the US president, it suddenly is a terrible crime.

Edit: It might also be interesting to discuss whom is actually responsible for the American discontent, I can tell you the direct cause is not Chavez.

[edit on 23-9-2006 by Mdv2]

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 01:01 PM
I doubt the current administration cares about Chavez much, as Chavez is still living and making pilgrimages around the world.

[edit on 23-9-2006 by RetinoidReceptor]

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 01:05 PM
I agree with you. There's no need to care about him as he just does not form a threat.

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
In the UK we pay sometinglike $10 a gallon for petrol so as America gobbles up so much oil why dont you pay more.

That is because your government taxes the crap out of it. Why dont you lobby to have your petroleum taxes reduced?

And Chavez is intiled to his views, other leaders voice their opinions on the world satge so why should he not be allowed to. Just because he says something we find unpalatable dose not make him a nut.

most "socialists" are radical.... He has also purchased large amounts of weapons from Russia. He is a nut, but yes, he can have his opinions. He just shouldnt be able to come to the US and act like a fool. On the plus side, Americans are seeing what a jackass/jerk he is. Jesse Jackson told him he needed to turn down the rhetoric.

I dont see why he comes here and start abunch of hub-bub about a president who has less than 2 years left in his final term in office. HE WILL BE GONE SHORTLY!!!

The only country who should be worried is Iran. I personally dont want anymore wars where we havent finished the one in Iraq yet.

Sorry GWB..... should of chosen that target more wisely....

P.S. Pat Robertson was absolutely right......

posted on Sep, 23 2006 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
.... He has also purchased large amounts of weapons from Russia.

I don't blame the man with the hitmen that Bush sends after him.

I still don't understand why people like you think the U.S. is the only nation who has a right to defend itself... One of Chavez's responsibilities is to defend his country, if need be. How ELSE do you do that but with weapoms? It should be common sense....

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 02:56 AM

Bush should be allowed to call Iran the axis of all evil, while Chavez should not be allowed to call Bush the devil.

Did you read all the quotes on page one. This is about the Harlem, New York speech NOT the UN speech.

In addition, the Bush Administration has an opinion on each and every country on this planet, why oh why do I never hear some among us complain when he is saying bad things about those countries? Now someone else says ''bad things'' about the US president, it suddenly is a terrible crime.

Pres. Bush DID NOT GO INTO a church in another country and cause an upheavel with the people of that country. There is a Big Difference in speaken to your own people about a leader of another country and going into that country into the streets and in a church of that country and saying that your Pres. stoled the elections and he is a dictator. He told our people the our Pres. IS NOT A LEGITIMATE PRESIDENT. He did not do this at the UN.

This whole post is about: Is Chavez TRYING to start a civil war here in America?
It is title this, and I put all kinds of quotes that he said on page one to get everyones opinions as to why he said these quotes.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Shar]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by firebat

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
.... He has also purchased large amounts of weapons from Russia.

I don't blame the man with the hitmen that Bush sends after him.

I still don't understand why people like you think the U.S. is the only nation who has a right to defend itself... One of Chavez's responsibilities is to defend his country, if need be. How ELSE do you do that but with weapoms? It should be common sense....

I never said Venezeula didnt have a right to defend itself. You speak as if Venezeula is as good as attacked.

to be frank....I dont think Chavez is that much of a threat....just a jackass.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Shar
Pres. Bush DID NOT GO INTO a church in another country and cause an upheavel with the people of that country.

Hugo Chavez did not go into a church in another country and caused an upheaval neither.

He went into a church in another country and made a speech organised by a company (Citgo) that is the US subsidiary of Venezuela's national oil company.

After a search for news sites (I don't care for blogs in cases like this) that carried that story, because the links you provided did not made it clear about what he had said on that church in Harlem, not one of those sites I found said that he had caused anything like an upheaval.

On Aljazeera (but not the Aljazeera you posted, that website is from a London based company) they say:

Chavez launched his new attack during a visit to a Harlem church, where a carefully selected audience heard him brand Bush an "alcoholic" and a John Wayne wannabe.

On Fox News they say:

In Harlem, the crowd chanted in Spanish, "Chavez, Chavez, the people are with you," as he walked into the church dressed in his signature red shirt.

On Yahoo:

He also used the word "devil" to refer to examples of barbarism in the world, mentioning nuclear weapons, the Iraq war and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. At the mention of Sept. 11, a man in the audience blurted out, "The devil," and Chavez replied, "Yes, friend, the devil. That's barbarism."

Not one of the sites I saw said what were the people's opinions after that speech.

I really think that this kind of behaviour only shows that Chavez has nothing better to say or to do to try to grab the attentions of the media.

But the comments from the White House (not on this occasion) about other countries and their presidents or other political persons are sometimes over the limit.

If instead of the UN they were members of ATS, I think that Bush and Chavez should both receive at least a warning.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:58 AM
[edit on 24-9-2006 by firebat]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by firebat
I never said Venezeula didnt have a right to defend itself. You speak as if Venezeula is as good as attacked.

to be frank....I dont think Chavez is that much of a threat....just a jackass.

You said "He has also purchased large amounts of weapons from Russia". What does that have to do with it? If you don't think he shouldn't be allowed to buy weapons, why would you even say that? (BTW, weapons can be used for defense).

You're absolutely right on point when you say he's not a threat... it's a complete joke that so many people are getting worked up over this.

I don't know the man personally so I won't call him a jackass.... but I do know that I agreed with a lot he had to say during his visit.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by firebat]

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