posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 01:04 AM
When you click on "Vote for", you are voting that person as way above top secret, or WATS. You have three votes a month to use. Each month, the
person who receives the most WATS votes is the winner for the month. They receive a medallion in their profile to indicate this. WATS can be awarded
for a variety of reasons, including exceptional posts, great research, community spirit, or because you want to let someone know that you appreciate
their efforts. Don't forget to use them!
"Ignore", as the name suggests, removes the members posts from view. This is usually the final step when you have problems with someone, and usually
more to do with the content of their posts than anything else. If someone's point of view so boils your blood that it makes you angry, try ignoring
them. I never have, but have come close on a few occasions. I frightened I'll miss something important though, and miss the context in other posts.
You can manage your ignore lists in your member centre, so don't feel that ignoring someone is permanent. Maybe some time out will help! If you feel
a member is violating the terms and conditions of the website, feel free to use the complain button at the top of the screen. This alerts the
moderators to a problem, and they can help to deal with it. Use the complain button for suggestions as well, or you can U2U mods and admin staff in
all cases if you want.
Hope the above info is useful.