can anyone help me with this little problem? Since I have turned my computer on today the monitor display has gone a bit wierd. the whole display has
moved a bit to the right and a bit downwards with the effect that the taskbar is off the bottom of the screen and I have a black border across the top
of the screen and down the left hand side. Dragging doesn't move it and neither has system restore. I changed the resolution to a lower one (which
looks awful) and this is properly centred but when I change back its all wrong again, I even restarted the computer before trying to change back as
well but thqat doesn't help either.
Does anyone know whats causing this and how do I fix it?
All of my monitors have had buttons on them to adjust the size and position of the display, have you checked any buttons on the monitor?
Other than that, I don't know. Last time that happend to me the computer just needed a restart, but I'm assuming you've tried that if you've used
system restore. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, perhaps someone else will know.
chebob, thanks for that, I managed to move it back using the monitor buttons, I was thinking it had to be something in the pc itself because it moved
for no apparent reason, thats still puzzling me but at least I have the screen centred again. Thanks