posted on Nov, 3 2002 @ 08:48 PM
heres another aussie article!
Study finds one in five can't read
By Gerard Noonan, Education Editor
November 4 2002
Almost one in five Australian adults have such poor reading skills they may not work out the correct medicine to
give a child from information printed on the package, according to an international study.
A leading literacy expert told a weekend conference in Sydney that Australia had not had a national adult literacy policy for a decade and recent
international studies suggested the problem of low literacy skills among adults was worsening.
The president of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy, Geraldine Castleton, said Australia was at the forefront of adult literacy and numeracy
teaching, learning and research 10 years ago. "Without a policy to guide practice and research, we run the risk of going backwards," she said.
According to a recent report by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, Literacy in the Information Age, one in five Australians did
not have the necessary literacy skills to participate effectively in daily life.
[Edited on 4-11-2002 by Netchicken]