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911 telephone number traced back to 1968

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posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by marcopolo
Since coincidences came up didnt Jesus "die" when he was 33?

Also I would like to say I agree with the view that America and Israel are heavily involved.

oh and here are some more "coincidences".

INWT you said earlier alot of things were going on 1947-48 POST WW2 years, the CIA was formed 1947 in September. I have heard that when numerous Nazis were brought to America (fleeing from persecution might i add) many of them got top jobs most notably in the CIA. "corrupt","coincidence" what are you talking about.

Again, these coincidences are available to any imagination. . . You can find anything embedded in anything if you think about it long enough.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by 2PacSade


Sorry INWT, but I believe that's the scoop. . .


So you think the reasons the numbers 911 were first adopted, was for speed and to adjust for water in the telephone cables, from what I can gather from your rather detailed technical explanation.

Good job by the way.

Now maybe you can answer this for me. Why is it that other countries around the globe adopted other numbers besides 911 for thier emergency systems?

For example:

In Britain the emergency number is 999, and 111 in New Zealand, site of a fantasy film about two falling towers. 999 and 111: a fellowship of the ring.

So I guess Britain has lots of wet telephone cables and New Zealand has found a way to keep thier cables dry?

[edit on 19-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

I finally found some info on these questions, and I didn't want you to think I was just gonna walk away & not answer them. Here's a few sources & quotes from them;

In November of 1935 a fire occurred in London in which five people died, in the inquiry which followed it became apparent that a system was required that alerted telephone operators to emergency calls. A parliamentary Committee called the Belgrave Committee examined the problems and set up various experiments in London. A great deal of discussion took place between the Home Office, the Police and Post Office. It was decided not to use 111 as this number can be dialled by phones which are faulty. 12 was not a good idea as at that time any one wanting a number on the 12 exchange would be barred because of the emergency calls. The same could be said for 222, this would have closed a big exchange in London and that could not happen.

999 was used because the numbers could be remembered easily, that they were all at the same end of the dial. It was relatively simple to convert coin boxes to accept 999 calls with out charge. The 999 system open in London in July 1937, it was 1938 before it reached Glasgow. It was the first service of its type in the world.

The selection probably was based on a combination of factors, including the precedent of Britain using a three-digit number, the ease of dialing two ones (1) on a rotary dial phone, and other technical switching considerations.

I was an engineer for AECO Gen Tel Labs when I became part of this task force. And believe me, this was no snap; it took much time to resolve. No one wanted to give in, but as time went on, we all came to the same understanding. The access code had to be three digits. The first digit had to be an N digit, meaning it had to be one of the digits 2 through 9. The digit 1 or 0 could not be used. The second and third digits had to be 1.

They do state in this source a few times that they couldn't find hard sources of documentation for their piece either, just bits & pieces. But they do have a great deal of info.

111 has been the emergency telephone number in New Zealand since September 1958 It was specifically chosen to comply with the positioning of the 999 emergency number in England The numbers on the dial phones in NZ and England were reversed ie the nine in England is where the one is in New Zealand and vice versa In North America this code cannot be used as an N11 number because of a conflict with the rotary alternative for star commands

In 1961 Telecom introduced the concept of a single national number to provide access to emergency services. The number chosen was 000. There are various explanations for this choice of number, including number plan issues (at that time 0 prefixes were typically assigned to provide access to operator services such as fault reporting), technical issues (pulse dialling of 111 could be falsely generated on early exchanges by 'jiggling' the handset'), and user issues such as the number being nearest the finger stall on a rotary dial telephone for ease of location at night or in smoke.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by 2PacSade

999 was used because the numbers could be remembered easily, that they were all at the same end of the dial.

The selection probably was based on a combination of factors, including the precedent of Britain using a three-digit number, the ease of dialing two ones (1) on a rotary dial phone, and other technical switching considerations.

The second and third digits had to be 1.

In 1961 Telecom introduced the concept of a single national number to provide access to emergency services. The number chosen was 000. There are various explanations for this choice of number, technical issues (pulse dialling of 111 could be falsely generated on early exchanges by 'jiggling' the handset'), and user issues such as the number being nearest the finger stall on a rotary dial telephone for ease of location at night or in smoke.


11 is one of the most important numbers there is, to the occult.

Other numbers besides the ones chosen could have been used for an emergency call. 999 - 000 - 911

N11 or X11 or 911 - They planned on using 11, in the formation of the 911 telephone system way back in 1947. It wasn't until 1968, 33 years prior to the attack, that the 9 was publiclly released for use in the 911 telephone system.

This very strong numeric signature on this attack clearly sends a signal to the rest of the occult world that this event was Illuminist, and that it signaled the beginning of a further series of events that will bring the world to the coveted Third World War that will produce Antichrist.

You never commented on this part.

... New Zealand, site of a fantasy film about two falling towers. a fellowship of the ring.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by 2PacSade

999 was used because the numbers could be remembered easily, that they were all at the same end of the dial.

The selection probably was based on a combination of factors, including the precedent of Britain using a three-digit number, the ease of dialing two ones (1) on a rotary dial phone, and other technical switching considerations.

The second and third digits had to be 1.

In 1961 Telecom introduced the concept of a single national number to provide access to emergency services. The number chosen was 000. There are various explanations for this choice of number, technical issues (pulse dialling of 111 could be falsely generated on early exchanges by 'jiggling' the handset'), and user issues such as the number being nearest the finger stall on a rotary dial telephone for ease of location at night or in smoke.


11 is one of the most important numbers there is, to the occult.

Other numbers besides the ones chosen could have been used for an emergency call. 999 - 000 - 911

N11 or X11 or 911 - They planned on using 11, in the formation of the 911 telephone system way back in 1947. It wasn't until 1968, 33 years prior to the attack, that the 9 was publiclly released for use in the 911 telephone system.

This very strong numeric signature on this attack clearly sends a signal to the rest of the occult world that this event was Illuminist, and that it signaled the beginning of a further series of events that will bring the world to the coveted Third World War that will produce Antichrist.

You never commented on this part.

... New Zealand, site of a fantasy film about two falling towers. a fellowship of the ring.

[edit on 21-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

I didn't respond to some of the comments because I don't even want to waste my time trying to debate something that I believe has nothing to do with the actual explanation. I will respond now that I believe the comment refers to exactly what it states. A fantasy film. . .

I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this because I'm done debating this issue. . . But before I go I have to say that I actually read some of the links you posted, and just to be fair I will add something to your side of the arguement. I think if there's any Illuminati driven goal here, then I think you need to look back further into the history of the telephone system. Here's where it all started, right here! Notice the date. Notice the "DaVinci Code" style hidden message that was embedded at 90 degrees, ( which BTW is the actual number of degrees in Freemasonry. They just want us to think there's only 33 ), and can only be seen thru the special glasses Ben Franklin made to read the back of the Declaration of Independence. You know the ones in the fantasy film "National Treasure". Hmmmm. . . Kinda made me sway a bit when I saw this.

Have a good day INWT! Peace out

The Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers
Letter from Mabel Hubbard Bell to Eliza Symonds Bell, September 11, 1876 - Transcription
(Series: Family Papers, Folder: Eliza Symonds Bell, Family Correspondence, Mabel Hubbard Bell, 1875-1877)

This is actually the link but it's too long to get it to work. You may be able to cut & paste it. Sorry-,gottscho,detr,nfor,wpa,aap,cwar,bbpix,cowellbib,calbkbib,consrvbib,bdsbi b,dag,fsaall,gmd,pan,vv,presp,varstg,suffrg,nawbib,horyd,wtc,toddbib,mgw,ncr,ngp,musdibib,hlaw,papr,lhbumbib,rbpebib,lbcoll,alad,hh,aaodyssey,magbell, bbcards,dcm,raelbib,runyon,dukesm,lomaxbib,mtj,gottlieb,aep,qlt,coolbib,fpnas,aasm,scsm,denn,relpet,amss,aaeo,mffbib,afc911bib,mjm,mnwp,rbcmillerbib,m olden,ww2map,hawp,omhbib,rbaapcbib,mal,ncpsbib,ncpm,lhbprbib,ftvbib,afcreed,aipn,cwband,flwpabib,wpapos,cmns,psbib,pin,coplandbib,svybib,mmorse,afcwwg bib,mymhiwebib,uncall,mfd,afcwip,mtaft,manz,llstbib,fawbib,berl,fmuever,cdn,upboverbib,mussm,cic,afcpearl,awh,awhbib,sgp,wright,lhbtnbib,afcesnbib,hur stonbib,mreynoldsbib,spaldingbib,sgproto,cola,tccc,curt,mharendt,lhbcbbib,eaa,haybib,mesnbib,fine,cwnyhs

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
I think if there's any Illuminati driven goal here, then I think you need to look back further into the history of the telephone system. Here's where it all started, right here! Notice the date. Notice the "DaVinci Code" style hidden message that was embedded at 90 degrees, ( which BTW is the actual number of degrees in Freemasonry. They just want us to think there's only 33 ), and can only be seen thru the special glasses Ben Franklin made to read the back of the Declaration of Independence. You know the ones in the fantasy film "National Treasure". Hmmmm. . . Kinda made me sway a bit when I saw this.

Have a good day INWT! Peace out

The Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers
Letter from Mabel Hubbard Bell to Eliza Symonds Bell, September 11, 1876 - Transcription
(Series: Family Papers, Folder: Eliza Symonds Bell, Family Correspondence, Mabel Hubbard Bell, 1875-1877)

Well since you brought up the DaVinci Code and National Treasure I thought I might add this. This looks like a good video to see.

[edit on 22-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Found the movie (Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: Volume One -- The New Atlantis) on utube.

Here's the link.

[edit on 22-9-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 03:59 AM
What was the purpose of programming the population with the 911 phone number?

The Profits of Doom

1) Associate

911 with emergency

Revelation 18:9-10

9"When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.
10 Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry:
" 'Woe! Woe, O great city,
O Babylon, city of power!
In one hour your doom has come!' &version3=0&version4=0&version5=0&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0

Omega shown here is the last letter of the Greek alphabet possibly symbolizing the end.

2) Associate

The Fall

Buildings in the shape of a paper airplane hitting the ground

3) Associate

The twins

Two Towers = The Twins = Gemini ruled by Mercury = Hermes= God of Trade & Commerce = Lucifer

Ezekiel 28:16

Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, O guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones. on3=0&version4=0&version5=0&Submit.x=54&Submit.y=13

[edit on 15-12-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Dec, 15 2006 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by bsl4doc
It's also arguable that they don't represent the "pillars of masonry", and are instead trying to maximize vertical office space and increase tourism and revnue in the city.

Ok the twin towers were a huge financial burden for the city of new york. They were expensive to maintain, and upgrade. The port authority was loosing a lot of money with those two buildings. so they were more of a liability for the city thain an asset. Two huge pretty money pits.

Now I believe that explosives were used in the building. I saw the slow motion clips of the squibs and what not. But putting those charges in 40 years ago when they were being built? What if they accedently went off? That would have been too big of a risk for them to plant the charges back in the day.

the whole 911 numbers association game just is a little too far fetched for me. Goes allong the same lines as "9 11 I am I am" what ever that ment.

posted on Dec, 19 2006 @ 03:29 AM

AT&T said it used a computer to select the "911" combination as a particularly rememberable number. It selected three digits because its existing nationwide system will accept three-digit code numbers.

so, a 1968 computer 'decided' what was 'rememberable' for humans?
it seems that technology in the sixties far exceeded the capabilities of today's tech.
i think i'll use my old scientific calculator from 1980 to find out what people prefer when they are hungry.

in nothing we trust, you kick illuminati ass, man.

semptember 11th was the beginning of the annexation of palestine.
it was the date of the groundbreaking ceremony at the pentagram, er, pentagon.
it is rumoured by some that that was jesus' actual birthday.
it was the date of the infamous bush senior 'new world order' speech, 11 years before 2001.
911 was the number of days between 9/11/2001 and 3/11/2004(the madrid bombing).

probably just a coincidence, DOH!

[edit on 19-12-2006 by billybob]

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