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Why do you believe such things?

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:03 PM
Why is it easier, even more gratifying, for so many of you to believe that your own government is out to get you, then to believe that they are trying to protect you from a foreign power, who has stated that they are out to get you?

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:06 PM
It's not that it is easier, but it's hard to deny when it is in your face. We don't know what's blatantly discussed in the UN meetings. I, myself, never said that maybe our government is working that of another to get us... possibly? yeeeaaa

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:30 PM
I don't believe that. I'm of the opinion we were attacked by a fanatical group of people who needed some one to hate and found themselves a hate-mongering leader who taught them who to hate and how to go out in a blaze of glory - literally. But I also believe our government was at least negligently incompetent and it led to the above being pulled off - virtually flawless. And I'm open-minded about some other things to the point you'll see me flip and then flop on other issues surrounding 911..because primarily I just look at the data. And if the data points toward something, I consider it. If it points away from something, I move away from it. And then if more data goes the other way, well, I have no problem adjusting with it. It's all about the facts.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Valhalla, what you said about "negligently incompetent." That has been my point all along; that our government (actually, MOST modern governments with a similar civil service system) is perpetually negligently imcompetent, and I actually had a thread to that effect (and the reactions I got of shock from some members when I related stories that illustrated this were rather amusing).

The point being made in my previous thread was that by it's very nature, our government is incapible of running a conspiracy as large as would be required to bring about 9/11. Private parties, well, we have much room for discussion there...

[edit on 17/9/06 by The Observer]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:47 PM
I think for the most part those grouped into “the government did it” are more on the NWO angle. I also think that folk like Val make up an even larger percentage than NWO theorists.
In my experience on these boards I’d say there are very few people that just say “Evil Bush admin is behind 9/11.”

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by The Observer

The point being made in my previous thread was that by it's very nature, our government is incapible of running a conspiracy as large as would be required to bring about 9/11. Private parties, well, we have much room for discussion there...

[edit on 17/9/06 by The Observer]

I tend to agree. BUT, I also tend to believe that when their incompetence leads to 3000 deaths, they can minimize the number of people involved in the lie, and cover their tracks very well. And I just hate a liar. So, that's what keeps me intrigued about 9/11...trying to figure out who's lying, who's telling the truth, and what the facts are.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 06:04 PM
Ok you can shoot me but as i said before

I believe it's all about power and maintain power or to keep it. I strongly believe that your goverment (or at least some people in it) and a few of other people that have power in your country, (THE very very rich) are having a higher agenda (get more richer and get more power in your country) as well the people that want more power in the middle eastern region, have combined together and planed this all and they don't give a # about you!!!!!

Maybe I think the worst or i'm a doom thinker but hey.....look at what Hitler did. The rest of the world didn't see it first, not to mention his own people. I intend to believe everyone has an agenda and certain people will do anything to get it as it's about power.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
I think for the most part those grouped into “the government did it” are more on the NWO angle. I also think that folk like Val make up an even larger percentage than NWO theorists.

Not on these forums, apparently, or from all the people I've talked to that believe, for example, that the Towers were blown. I don't think Val has a problem with progressive collapse theory, but only with the initiations of the collapses (not enough damage to start them). To be fair, she didn't even find anything funny with that, or the angular momentum problems or etc. for quite a while, even though it was posted around on a regular basis.

In general, it seems more people believe al Qaeda did it, than believe the government did it. When you get into groups of individuals that think things like the Towers were blown, I don't think you'll find a very big percentage at all believing that terrorists actually did that, especially considering how the Towers fell. It was not a very in-your-face demolition, even if it was a demolition. Why? Was al Qaeda trying to suppress the fact that they planted explosives? And if they did do it, why plants explosives too? I only see this as being logical for one type of group: a group staging a psychological military operation, designed to deceive. If al Qaeda did it, I can only see this as logical if they, after the plane impacts, made it obvious that they also rigged the buildings, to make it that much more in-your-face. And then we would expect to have them rubbing it in our faces in all those videos, too. Get what I'm saying?

We also had an NRO drill on the morning of 9/11, simulating a plane flying into their HQ near Washington. Weird, eh?

We also had FEMA in Manhattan (ie, where the WTC was), on 9/10, setting up for a terrorism drill called "Tripod II". Even weirder, isn't it?

We also had numerous war games being carried out by NORAD on the morning of 9/11, and the natures of most of those are still not public knowledge, though we have accounts of major confusion and know that fighters that would have been in the North East were redirected over Canada and Alaska.

How many coincidences are we willing to believe in so dismiss the idea that our own government may have had a hand in this? Negligence is not the word I would use to intelligently interpret the above events coinciding not only with the date of 9/11, but also with key locations and specific activities. Very convenient stuff.

The original question of "why believe this things" has an easy answer: it makes the most sense. It's no more complicated than that. Terrorists may very well have been involved, but I think it's pretty clear they were a little more than just lucky that day.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by bsbray11]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by The Observer
Why is it easier, even more gratifying, for so many of you to believe that your own government is out to get you, then to believe that they are trying to protect you from a foreign power, who has stated that they are out to get you?

Valhall's initial reply to this was a good answer, I'd like to expand on it.
A lot of our speculations -and that's what they are, speculation- are based on an unholy amount of coincodences on 9/11 and in current news, such as:

* How the towers fell almost straight down unto themselves, like a controlled demolition
* How WTC7 collapsed exactly like the towers, though it took very little comparative damage.
* Inconsistancies and vague inferences regarding evidence, some of which are almost funny until you remember that 3000 people died
* The speed at which the Patriot Act was drafted after the attacks (6 weeks draft and approve a bill which destroys our civil rights and lays a veritable groundwork for a police state, when it usually takes months just to approve a budget change)
* The ever-evolving justification to go into Iraq
* Ever-changing policies and official actions which seem to further a darker agenda.

I don't wanna start debating these points on this thread, as each already has its own thread, but those are just a few of the issues regarding why we discuss these things.

I'm personally leaning towards gross ineptitude and/or simply doing nothing, using the attack would further an agenda. I'm not convinced the government actively planned the attacks, but I'm keeping my mind open to new studies and evidence as such things come to light.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by Umbrax
I think for the most part those grouped into “the government did it” are more on the NWO angle. I also think that folk like Val make up an even larger percentage than NWO theorists.

Not on these forums, apparently, or from all the people I've talked to that believe, for example, that the Towers were blown. I don't think Val has a problem with progressive collapse theory, but only with the initiations of the collapses (not enough damage to start them). To be fair, she didn't even find anything funny with that, or the angular momentum problems or etc. for quite a while, even though it was posted around on a regular basis.

To clarify, I only used Val as an example as someone who doesn’t necessarily believes the government is behind 9/11, but that they are negligent and are trying to cover up.

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