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Planting the Seed of a Brighter Future into the Minds of Today

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posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 08:29 PM
Technology is the basis of human development in a structured society. With that in mind I am thinking that at some point in time, within the next 50years, well will have the technology to have cybernetic implants connected with human tissue as well as replacement body parts from cloned tissues. Associated with those advances will bring about robotics engineering which will revolutionize the way construction and manufacturing will take place. As of now, we use cheap labor(outsourced) to get cost down and efficiency up.

My main point being that we will eventually not need labor at all.

So what now? We soon will have everything automated for us in all aspects and reguards to support life without even lifting a finger. So I was thinking, if we just get to that point, no one will ever have to work or do anything. No jobs would be left, no labor issues, nothing, but we will having anything and everything we would ever want for free....

Now, what would you do if you no longer had to work at a job....Better yourself somehow? Enjoy exitance and get drunk or do drugs ever night until you die? How about exploation?

The main point of this thread is to basically throw around ideas on how we can be tottaly dependant on robotics, but not have to life a finger ourselves.

It would be awsome to get to the point where if I want to stay in a hudge house, I can go walk to the nearest construction site, (robots maning all the work) ask for a house of my own design to be built where I want it to be. They would then commence the construction, until completed. All furnishing would be shipped (obviously boy robot) to my new house which would then be furnished by the robotic labor and then left to me.
If my house became messy, just call in the robots and they'll clean it up chop chop.

No one would have to control any other person anymore because anything that anyone wanted done, would be done mechanically and without physcial human imput.

This would mean, no money, no wars, no power struggles, anything you desired would be done.

So if this where the case, I would definatly mediate on the next stage of human development would be.

Having money, territor and control only creates power struggles and wars. No more society, everyone is an individual, no more predjudice, money, little human goverment.

It can happen we just need to get our minds together to achieve something like this for a better and less stressful tomorrow.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 08:32 PM
This isn't really serious, just a thought I have been throwing around my mind for a while. Would like some imput on it.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Have you ever watched the Matrix .
The robots took over in the end

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:37 PM
There is a story by Ray bradbury, I can't remember the title. But my dear, i ensure it is not wise. For the robots will be thinking like us in no time, slowly growing power to control the future generations. To not lift a finger would mean they'd have to be just as smart as us. And that isn't necessarily to bright. Plus, what will drive us to live day to day? Another day of no hard work? I'm sorry, but I tend to find myself after a certain amount of time [not days] of doing nothing. Nice eutopia though... the problem is it's not fool proof.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by regal
Have you ever watched the Matrix .
The robots took over in the end

It is ironic that the machines desire a soul and the souled beings became more like machines.. a melding of sorts. Whatever we do don't give up the soul because it connects to where we came from.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:50 PM
I didn't mean we disconnect from any spiritual paths once robots do all the work for us. Its more like, IF u can have anything and can spend your time on anything instead of worrying about paying the bills and going to work.

As such, some peope who are already spiritiually inclined would further meditate and grow in spirit. There is a lot of time in your life, and what if you could spend it exactly how you wanted to, not forced to.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 09:46 AM
No, I do not think this would work.

People need something in their lives to keep them occupied. Sure, most of us are 9 till 5 robots with the 2.5 kids, married x number of years ago on that 'one of a kind' marriage on a beach at dawn, with all our own little hobbies we indulge on on our weekends . . .

but take the work part of that away, the one real bit that defines it all, and you are left with just fun fun fun. And people would, guaranteed, get sick of that. The suicide rate would jump up-

I don't think I've expressed my views on this very well, but I feel something like this would not work out.

Once again, another reference to 'The Matrix,' but isn't there a scene where that agent talks about previous Matrix's, and how they tried to create a perfect one? It did not work. That scene stuck with me.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:07 PM
While having robots as personal slaves would be a huge mistake the moral principal of the human race would rapidly decline .
We would probably commit ourselves to the many distractions and material and bodily pleasures which you be available in abundance such as the scenarios in the book Brave New World
On the other hand which i think people would rather not pursue because of the mindset of the majority today is one of a search for understanding of the personality Godhead and the seeking of truth , which would of course entail a great detail of study through scriptures and writings of wise sages or Brahmas or monks through these studies we would be able to put to practice through meditative means real development of spiritual kind and experience
The later would in effect take us to a new golden age
So as you can see these are the two choices
distraction from the self
interaction with the self
The later being very much harder ,test it , try sitting in silence on your own for 1 hour , ill bet you cant because you will find yourself wanting to get away from your self

PS it is more possible that genetically engineered clones will be used as personal slaves doing all our work than robots

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 05:01 PM

The later being very much harder ,test it , try sitting in silence on your own for 1 hour , ill bet you cant because you will find yourself wanting to get away from your self

I have to disagree with this, on the grounds that I personally meditate for 1hour or more a day lol

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 02:29 PM
If that ever did become a reality, I doubt there would be many of us left to find out what it would be like.
I also don't think it would be too great. As soon as the robots reached a certain level of intelligence things could get ugly. Hal-9000 comes to mind, can you imagine twenty of them building your house. There would be booby traps all over the place!

Even if it did become a reality and the robots obeyed our every desire, humans would get bored very quickly and violence would quite possibly be the result of those frustrations.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace
If that ever did become a reality, I doubt there would be many of us left to find out what it would be like.
I also don't think it would be too great. As soon as the robots reached a certain level of intelligence things could get ugly. Hal-9000 comes to mind, can you imagine twenty of them building your house. There would be booby traps all over the place!

Even if it did become a reality and the robots obeyed our every desire, humans would get bored very quickly and violence would quite possibly be the result of those frustrations.

To me, it seems as if anyone even lacks the creativity to be peaceful without a lifestyle like this one. Everyone is already to programmed into the mind set of Stress, FEAR, worry, control, paranoia and chaos. Maybe when society matures a little bit or the education system is changed.

Another point I was trying to make in the first post also was that I wouldn't matter how you spent you life. No one would, or SHOULD, judge you if your a person who their entire life only desired sex or personal gain because everyone could have anything they wanted so thats not an issue anymore. As for being enveloped in earthly pleasures for an entire life span "wasting it away on sex etc" wouldnt matter. They are wasting their life the way they planned it, it would not interfere with you if you did not desire it.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Cerkit Breaker]

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 04:03 PM
That is going to happen when the elites kidnap every-"body" and use their bodies for the cyborgs that youre talking about. That is what the camps and underground facilities are for. I dont think they would just kill everyone in the camps if technology was as close as they say to robotic/human crossing. Does everyone remember the human nerve cell being successfuly spliced with the microchip?

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 04:08 PM
American culture largely places the supreme indentity of humanity upon work. It springs from the calnvinist idea that man's place in the world is to work, and work hard. When people don't have to work, it can hurt this identity. That is why, even when Americans get so rich they don't have to work anymore, most continue working. Rather, when we make more money, we simply find more ways to spend it.

If our society were centered around some sort of spiritual goal, people wouldn't work as hard. People with enough money, would work less. You may think this is a good idea, but I don't think it is for anyone. Further, when people don't have to work for anything, it eliminates any even marginally objective 'reality'. Without need for money, people will have no overridding factor, which will keep them out of some virtual world. I predict eliminating the need for work, will lead to even more people using virtual, online worlds until a good portion of the population loses any sense of reality. Next, we need to wonder if society can survive under this system. Can we have democracy of people with absolutely no conception of the 'real' world. What kind of ethics will these people have? If death is eliminated from the virtual world, what will stop people from simply becoming suicidal like the Antlanteans supposedly did.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by crontab
American culture largely places the supreme indentity of humanity upon work. It springs from the calnvinist idea that man's place in the world is to work, and work hard. When people don't have to work, it can hurt this identity. That is why, even when Americans get so rich they don't have to work anymore, most continue working. Rather, when we make more money, we simply find more ways to spend it.

If our society were centered around some sort of spiritual goal, people wouldn't work as hard. People with enough money, would work less. You may think this is a good idea, but I don't think it is for anyone. Further, when people don't have to work for anything, it eliminates any even marginally objective 'reality'. Without need for money, people will have no overridding factor, which will keep them out of some virtual world. I predict eliminating the need for work, will lead to even more people using virtual, online worlds until a good portion of the population loses any sense of reality. Next, we need to wonder if society can survive under this system. Can we have democracy of people with absolutely no conception of the 'real' world. What kind of ethics will these people have? If death is eliminated from the virtual world, what will stop people from simply becoming suicidal like the Antlanteans supposedly did.

The thing is, people only THINK they are defined by work. In reality it is the thoughts and feelings the constitute what a person is. Some people feel the need to continue working for such Human concepts as wealth which is only feeding greed and not helping society as a whole.

The thing about my point I am trying to convey is that it has nothing to do with NOT working. More to do with instead of working to basically LIVE we all work for the betterment of society, unless certain people like to waste their lives in any fashion they see fit.

What if you could tell a robot, I need a research lab built here, contact x,y,z and tell them itwill be completed, then we can start researching etc etc.

Its a (better) different way of living. Instead of just trying to survive, we THRIVE.

Side note.
Also the Robots would not have AI. AI is pointless, they just need to be able to interperate instructions.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Cerkit Breaker]


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