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Why I Am A "New Ager"

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posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 02:35 PM
The title of this tread is probably a bit misleading. While most would call me Christian because I do believe in Jesus the Christ, I do not think the word Christian entirely applies to my belief system. I will begin my diatribe as to why I am not a full blown Christian in a moment. First,I want to give everyone a run down of what my core beliefs are, you will probably figure out relatively quickly why I certainly cannot be considered an orthodox Christian.

1) I do believe in Jesus Christ. Although, I must state that I think the church has manipulated his teachings to fit its own agenda.

2) I believe in evolution. I believe that evolution was simply a method God put into place to advance man. When the Bible states man was made in the image of God, I think it was referring to man's spiritual image being made in the image of God, not his physical image.

3) I firmly believe in Reincarnation.

4) I believe that there is life on other planets other than earth. Surely if God is as great as we believe him to be, he was creative enough to put life on other planets.

5) I do not believe in an eternal hell. When I go to church and the preacher begins to get on a soapbox talking about God throwing "sinners" into a fiery pit, I get up and walk out because I don't know what god he is talking about; it certainly isn't the god I worship, nor is it the god of Jesus Christ.

6) I believe everyone has the right to believe as he/she wishes as long as that belief doesn't start wars and the slaughter of thousands,perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people.

Christianity's Struggle For Supremacy

To me, this is the biggest blight on the history of Christianity. By the way, Islam also suffers this distinction, so I'm not just singling out Christian's here. As a matter of fact, when one looks down through history, all monotheistic religions have quite a bloody history.

One of the first things that pop into my mind as far as the irrational past of christianity is concerned is the Salem witch trials. Here is a link to some information:
This particular trespass by Christianity was uncalled for by any stretch of the imagination. It was simply the killing of innocent people who would not conform to the beliefs of the church. Some will argue, "Well,yeah, but that was a Puritan thing,not actually a full fledged Christian." Were Puritans not of Christian faith?

Secondly, who can forget about the oh so popular crusades. This particular tirade was participated in by none other than both the christians and Muslims. How lovely!! Here is a link detailing the Muslims involvement in this slaughter:

And who can forget about the destruction of the Cathars by the church? Another example of the church slaughtering people simply because it was threatened by a group who didn't conform to its beliefs. Here is a link to another discussion board on this: Of course, anytime you talk about the Cathars, you bring to mind the inquisition in its entirety.

Then,we,of this generation, are embroiled in a conflict called the "war on terrorism" that is nothing less, when one gets to the root of it, another crusade between the Muslims and Christians.

Why I Think "New Age " Idealism Is The Better Alternative

When one says "new age" the whole term is kind of misleading. The "new age" is really not new at all. Actually, most of its beliefs are quite ancient, predating Christianity and certainly predating Islam.

I am a proponent of the "new age" because it speaks in peaceful terms. You rarely, unless the person is talking about the world situation, ever hear a "new ager" use anger filled or destructive dialogue. Most "new agers" want peace.

However, being a very small minority, the group really has very little leverage over what is going on in today's world. It shows. I already know that there are going to be posters here that are just going to "roast" me saying that the "New age is part of the N.W.O,and blah,blah,blah."
That's just another Christian "conspiracy" theory designed to detract people from a movement the church fears.

Why I Think People Should Believe As They Please

Believing and doing as we please is the whole point of free will. Isn't it? If God truly wanted us to believe everything the preachers in the orthodox churches told us, I don't think he would have given us the freedom of choice. We would just be a bunch of automatons running around doing everything that the church demanded.

However, God did give us the ability to think for ourselves. To see the faults of the established belief systems. Why should I as a free thinker be forced to believe as the majority does? Why should I be forced to either choose Christianity,Islam or Judaism before what I have to say can be considered correct?If any of the three named religions have the complete truth,as all three vehemently claim they do, then why is the world in the mess that it's in?

It's amazing to me that we live in the 21st century, yet we still have these tribal religious belief systems that swear up and down that everyone who believes differently than they do are going to be cast into some mythological "hell" for all of eternity. It's crazy. Yet, that is what Muslims,Jews and Christians all proclaim.

The Fountain Of The world's Problems

Now, don't misunderstand the title of this section. I certainly would never support a religion free world. I think that religions are a necessary part of life. People need to have some form of belief system.

With that being said, religion has,at least at the root, caused every major war there has ever been. Look at world war II. I mean really look at its root causes. Was Hitler's intention not to re-paganize Germany? Did he not use religious dialogue in his speeches? (If you don't think he did, I suggest you read some of the transcripts of his speeches.)

People's beliefs are held dear to them. Most people, including myself, would be willing to die for what he/she believes in. For example, most of us will die rather than take the digital mark of the beast. I know that I will choose death over taking the mark.

Well, my space is running short. There is so much more I want to say,but can't. So..

God Bless

[edit on 16-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 16-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 02:56 PM
Your thoughts echo mine precisely. Not many think as "we" do. It is refreshin to read what I am thinking--posted by someone else.
Thanks for taking the time.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by answeris
Your thoughts echo mine precisely. Not many think as "we" do. It is refreshin to read what I am thinking--posted by someone else.
Thanks for taking the time.

You are quite welcome,friend. I like posting here because most of the posters are open minded.....I am glad I made you feel better...

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:03 PM
Good post speaker

I agree 100% and like answeris said its nice to see that others view the world the same way we do.

[edit on 16-9-2006 by xEphon]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
Good post speaker

I agree 100% and like answeris said its nice to see others view that world the same way I do.

Thank you as well.....I like to see that there are others that think somewhat as I do;it keeps me from feeling so lonely.

[edit on 16-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:07 PM
That is the main reason that I am here. Even if I don't agree with what some post, it is soooo refreshing to read posts from others. Most of the world is the same-same-same... turn on the tv, and rarely can you find any exhilarting news...

I know interesting news happens all the time--but we have to be subjected to what the networks choose to air...
I am sooo sick of Nancy Grace, for example.

We need more intellectual stimulation in the world. I am tired of hearing people's opinions that are based on anger,hate, fear, and lack true knowledge.
So many young people are furious with the president, for instance, yet they have no real understanding of why they should be mad, many have never even voted, many of them would be mad with anyone in their anger is not sincere... hostility without basis is shallow.

I wish more would embrace true spirituality rather than a sheep... to a church leader... who is also, most likely ignorant.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:12 PM
Alot of what your saying I agree with believe and because of the way many of the organized religions force you to say if you don't believe what I believe you are going to hell or a very bad place.

I am a christian as you and firmly believe in christ but I am also open up to believing in a multi aspect to souls.. reincarnation and life that is not only on this planet. TBH I feel if human beings are going to survive the next hundred years it will be from the acceptance that other religions have things that will in enhance your own faith in God and life and each other.

[edit on 16-9-2006 by Revelmonk]

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:35 PM
What each of you beleive is coming extremely close to my own beleifs. The only difference I know of exists in the evolution thing, and what you said about your take on God creating man in his own image. I take that phrase more literally... And beleive that it means physical image.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:38 PM
I always say to people that if you want to learn true Christianity then read the dead sea scrolls. The new testament was propaganda composed by King James and his 'scribes.' There is validity in the old testament but the schism between Christians and Jews makes me nervous about it.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I always say to people that if you want to learn true Christianity then read the dead sea scrolls. The new testament was propaganda composed by King James and his 'scribes.' There is validity in the old testament but the schism between Christians and Jews makes me nervous about it.

See, to me, the only redeemable thing from the Old Testament is the Ten Commandments. I am more of a New Testament person. I believe in the loving God Jesus spoke of,not the wrathful god of the Old Testament,but,hey,there's always a difference of opinion.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I always say to people that if you want to learn true Christianity then read the dead sea scrolls. The new testament was propaganda composed by King James and his 'scribes.' There is validity in the old testament but the schism between Christians and Jews makes me nervous about it.

The Old Testament points to Jesus the Christ. It also says that the Jews will reject their Messiah until after the time of the Antichist.

The problem between Jews and Christians came about when the Roman Empire created the Cathilic Church and attacked the Jews.

The Vatican still has not acknowledged the nation of Israel which God declared in the Old Testament that he would reestablish.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

The Old Testament points to Jesus the Christ. It also says that the Jews will reject their Messiah until after the time of the Antichist.

The problem between Jews and Christians came about when the Roman Empire created the Cathilic Church and attacked the Jews.

The Vatican still has not acknowledged the nation of Israel which God declared in the Old Testament that he would reestablish.

Well, you are correct in stating that the Old Testament tells of the coming of the Messiah. You see, if there is any part of the bible that has severely been tampered with, it's the Old Testament. It's too conflicting with what the New Testament tells us about God. Jesus spoke of a God that is loving,merciful,forgiving, the image of god that the Old Testament does not portray that at all.

There are things in the Old Testament which are good,such as the Ten Commandments. However, to me, most of the Old Testament is about an angry,wrathful, almost "devilish" god that, at least to my way of thinking, does not represent the God Jesus spoke of at all.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 17-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 08:30 PM
How can one choose a single religion out of the hundreads of prominent ones that exist today!? Looking at European history we can see the faults of the Church. Comparing the beliefs and mythologies of the various faiths leads one to see the many connections and similarities they all share. The information is presented differently, with a different agenda (of sorts) set into motion. Modern Christianity isn't even that old when set against something like the Muslim faith. I don't have all the facts to align myself with any religion, but "New Ager" doesn't get you any respect from the faithful. If we as a people were really concerned with finding the truth, the answer to the big question, woudln't we take our collective knowledge gathered throughout the ages and try to apply it to some result? Instead we pit our beliefs against one another.

some people's kids!

I am also comforted knowing that I'm not alone with my radical spiritual beliefs.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 08:36 PM
speakerof, I'm younger than you. With multiple beliefs of multiple religions, but I don't follow any of them too strictly with the exceptions of study, pray, and pushing my self to better protect and improve myself. People who don't get how people like my think, think I'm an atheist or New Ager. I'm neither, I believe in God, but I have some beliefs from secular and pagan systems to. Even through I believe in One God who runs the whole show. So don't feel bad. Your not alone.

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by smalllight
speakerof, I'm younger than you. With multiple beliefs of multiple religions, but I don't follow any of them too strictly with the exceptions of study, pray, and pushing my self to better protect and improve myself. People who don't get how people like my think, think I'm an atheist or New Ager. I'm neither, I believe in God, but I have some beliefs from secular and pagan systems to. Even through I believe in One God who runs the whole show. So don't feel bad. Your not alone.

Why is it that people think that just because one doesn't follow a strict dogma that that person is athiest? I was telling a guy one day that I believe in reincarnation...well, here is kind of how the conversation went:

Myself: There are a lot of things that I believe that if people knew that I believed them, they'd label me a madman. For example, I firmly believe in reincarnation.

Other guy: Yeah, I am starting to believe that myself. I don't go to church much because I am stuck as to whether there is a God.

Myself: Oh, there is definitely a God.

Other guy: Then you must not believe in reincarnation if you believe in God.

Myself: Huh,where did you get that from?

Other guy: The bible states it...

Myself: WHAT??? Jesus Said that he had come many times before and people didn't recognize him

Other guy: I don't want to talk about it.That's why I don't talk religion because it starts arguments.

Now, to me, my friend's notion that just because I believed in reincarnation I couldn't believe in God is utterly ridiculous. I mean, that's putting God almighty into a box. Isn't it? I understand exactly how you feel "smalllight".

[edit on 18-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 10:29 AM
I have said for years that if you strip the dogma from the major religions you
would find more points of similarity than there are points of difference.

The DSS were mentioned above. While they include much do not pass over
the Nag Hammadi Library, The " Lost Books" , and so many other related writings.

Things like The Holy of Holies being the "Bedchamber" of Yahweh and His partner/Wife/Consort Shakanah, not just a storage closet for the ark. And that
since the destruction of the Temple (which of course included the destruction of their
bed chamber) She is destined to wander the earth looking for her counterpart until the temple is restored.

At some point in almost all beliefs there is a teaching of balance, male/female/god/goddess. The teachings of R Jeshua also included these teachings
until corrupted by the pauline church.

We could look at the RCC and make note of certain truisms like the current, Pope Benny16, his last position in the church was head of the " Holy Office of the Inquisition" now renamed to protect the guilty. Then you have the " Throne of St Peter." Peter-Cephas( the rock, also defined as hard or thick. Given the alleged
conversations between Peter and the Rabbi, Jeshua could as well have been calling him thickheaded or in todays parlance a moron.) Peter never led the Church founded by R Jeshua. James and probably The Magdalene did. Peter followed off after pauls little red wagon. Peter was never a head of anything ergo no throne.

And so it goes.

There is one mountain, and many ways to the top of the mountain.


posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf

The DSS were mentioned above. While they include much do not pass over
the Nag Hammadi Library, The " Lost Books" , and so many other related writings.

Peter never led the Church founded by R Jeshua. James and probably The Magdalene did. Peter followed off after pauls little red wagon. Peter was never a head of anything ergo no throne.

Yeah, I think it is very important that a person has at least some acquaitance with the Gnostic Gospels before they get into a spiritual discussion.

Wasn't Paul accused of Gnosticism by some "christians"?

[edit on 19-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

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