posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 08:44 PM
National Cooperation of Allied Sources (NCAS for those of you that couldn't figure it out) NCAS is the newest program sponsored by the CIA and NSA.
NCAS was designed to monitor information that our allies recieve, including everything from a terrorist threat to the lastest in cell phone
technologies. Although information has not been released about this yet, I am sure that quite soon some information will be released. I doubt it will
be CNN headline news as it is not a secret that the U.S. government keeps tabs on its allies and enemies a like. I am not so sure as to the specifics
such as,who leads this program, and how many people it employs, as soon as I recieve these details I insure you that I will give the information to
If you have any questions or comments on NCAS I would love to hear them
[Edited on 11-4-03 by Nationalist]