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Originally posted by Ox
But you have to admit that I'm right.
Originally posted by Ox
Show me in the constitution where it says that drugs should be legalized.
USA Constitution
I dont see it anywhere.. And the war on drugs hasnt been lost.. And legalization wouldnt clear up any man power to focus on anything else.. There are specific units assigned to certain types of crime, and lets not forget our friendly DEA agents. Kinky Friedman isnt a politician no, he prefers to be called a "visionary" I prefer to call him a hippie.. Over the hill, no talent, last ditch for fame effort hippie.. I think he should crawl back into his hole and step aside, let the real liars and hypocrits play the politics..
Originally posted by Ox
Grimreaper... But that's my arugement.. Kinky Friedman wants to release marijuana offenders... but if they smoke.. their judgement is impaired, they kill someone.. where do they go? Jail... So.. My point is, is that these people are going to go jail at one time or another, if a life can be spared because someone under the influence isnt on the road and doesnt kill someone, then that's how it should be.. Do you see my point? It's a catch 22... Someone is release from jail... smokes.. drives, kills someone.. goes to jail.. If that person wasnt released.. then they wouldnt have killed someone and they money would have been saved on trials, appeals and everything else involved
My point is, is that these people are going to go jail at one time or another, if a life can be spared because someone under the influence isnt on the road and doesnt kill someone, then that's how it should be.
and someone lights a joint for an after dinner smoke.. and its affecting you, would that be ok?
how about tougher laws, minor possession? 30 days State Penitentiary.. 2nd time offender? give them a year..