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North of Area 51 Google Earth Hidden Buildings

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posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by October
Just wondering, man you have a serious vendetta on me.. remind me not to rub hardened researchers up the wrong way with things i haven't seen before myself. I was willing and open to discuss this in an adult manner but you have clearly thrust your views down my throat, fair enough if you were polite in the first instance I would not be progressing with discussions. If you would like me to say you are right i will, but i am just drilling into this for my own interest and enjoyment and qualifying out.

I dont have a vendetta, but this question comes up every month and is normally dispatched with a simple answer, the truth, yet you seem incapable in the face of clear evidence to believe fact.

I dont think I am forcing my opinion down your throat, Im simply stating the the answer to the question you asked.

Further to your question, no I dont have any photos, Ive had a quick look around online but cant find any. There must be some knocking around somewhere since they are probably visible from the A'Le'Inn (an inn within spitting distance of the mysterious green circles). The crops of course are flat and dont show up very clearly on normal photos of Rachel.

Of course you could use the search function like I said earlier, there is a mass of answers to this questions already there and someone may have already posted a photo.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 09:20 AM
No photographs. OK your right and i'm clearly wrong, i shall leave you now to attend to other things, it has been a great pleasure discussing my query with you and i feel humbled.

So long

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 09:38 AM
My how the quest for information sets some people off.
Why don't we just slap the hell out of him for daring to ask something at all?

Not everyone is "up" on the correct procedures.

Maybe some of you long-time users can lighten up a bit!

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:10 AM
Thank you Siege,

That is all i was doing here, just looking for information but i'll know better next time.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by October
That is all i was doing here, just looking for information but i'll know better next time.

Dont be put off looking for infomation, but the search box is there for a reason and this topic has been discussed so many times before that you could have got the information quicker that way.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:29 AM
Two of them circles are on the tip of what seems to be a steep mountain top also notice the color variances on the edges of some of the circles indicates extreme terrain changes. Also It makes more sense to keep them close together rather than spread so randomly apart like that! I think this is a very nice find October No matter how long you have been here!


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by gfad

I dont think I am forcing my opinion down your throat, Im simply stating the the answer to the question you asked.

no just being quite rude in the way you're handling yourself in this thread....

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:42 AM
New Old News

Originally posted by gfad
Dont be put off looking for infomation, but the search box is there for a reason and this topic has been discussed so many times before that you could have got the information quicker that way.

I appreciate your frustration, but please try to bear in mind that we have both new and existing members who discover all sorts of "old hat" things every day.

And for them, it IS new.

I suppose we could just close the forum and put up a search box, since it's all been said and done, but that's not a very appealing prospect.

We were all new to these sorts of things once, and I'll wager Google Earth still holds many surprises even for you.

Instead of being rude about it when something like this comes up again, why not try to be more patient and share your knowledge politely?

You never know: you might just learn something new yourself.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:44 AM
I just thought as you say there that the green circle almost sort of looks stuck on and again the terrain diference between the edge of the circles just don't seem to match up that's all it's like there are buildings immediately surrounding the circles. I f someone can get me a photograph of the farm i'll very happily put it to bed.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:46 AM
OK I didnt mean to come over as pushy or a swat, I was just answering the question and stating fact, I apologise if I insulted anyone.

I also acknowledge that October didnt initially post this in this forum.

Here are some of the threads which have been about this same topic:
Google earth, area 51/sundown spring

Area 51 Sat. Images by me Pics are Below ppl Srry

Area 51 secrets unveiled by Google

Can someone explain these please?

Google earth, Sundown spring

Any new info on strange green circles?

Id guess that perhaps Hank has a photo of the farm or knows where we could find one.

[edit on 15/9/06 by gfad]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:53 AM
Once And Again

Originally posted by gfad
OK I didnt mean to come over as pushy or a swat, I was just answering the question and stating fact, I apologise if I insulted anyone.

I know you're not an ogre, and I know it can be frustrating to see the same things come up again and again.

I'm not a mod for this forum, just a wandering gadfly (
), but I'm willing to bet we could make a "sticky thread" for Google Earth sightings like this.

If you're willing to put something together, I'm sure it would be appreciated.

Edit: I'll bite my tongue! Yes, I overlooked it myself:

PLEASE READ: Posts about Google Earth and Area 51

Simon's going to kill me.

Now please excuse me while I go bump that thread and run myself through the staff paddle gauntlet as penance.

[edit on 9/15/2006 by Majic]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 10:58 AM
Damn you gfad! I just finished getting together the exact same post. Good job though.

October, ATS is probably the BEST forum to investigate new and/or strange ideas on just about any subject...but, please know that unless it is something that is "Breaking News", then it has probably been looked at before, in most case a solution or answer has probably been found as well.

I personally don't think anybody has been rude to you or has tried to dissuade you from researching anything, but when you get an answer like this:

"They are circular irrigation crops, this has been discussed many, many times, please search the forum."

You should realize that everything you might need to know is probably located in one of the many threads already devoted to this topic. And if you need a picture of the farms to be satisfied, then I think you are being unreasonable, just my opinion. But, I don't think mods should keep this thread open until a picture is produced.

I do welcome you October and hope that you can reasonably determine that these ar simply farms and I look forward to seeing further contributions from you on ATS.

PS-I wouldn't take things so personally if I were you, otherwise you might find yourself getting frustrated every time someone answers one of your questions. Not being rude my friend, just honest.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 11:05 AM
The Hard Facts

Originally posted by ledbedder20
Not being rude my friend, just honest.

You're right.

When I first looked through the thread, I thought gfad was being rude, but having reviewed it again, I think he was just being blunt -- and honest.

Since I don't tend to follow this forum, I spoke hastily and -- I think -- improperly.

So gfad, I'm sorry I said you were rude.

It seems I still have much to learn myself.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 11:10 AM
Thanks for the support guys. Maybe I was being blunt.

Im starting to get some screen caps off GE for putting together a collection of often posted finds.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 11:15 AM
OK guys that's fine, the last thing i would want is to turn a thread into something uncomfortable for anybody, I have actually been on ATS for a little while and in the Alien and UFO forum (which i spend most of my time on) people do always post duplicate news that can be frustrating if you think there is some new information out there but they are politely told it has been posted before. I have never visited this forum before and and the initial thread i posted was moved here from Aliens and Ufo's so maybe I should be exploring more of the brilliant ATS website to broaden my mind. I know decorum and the correct way to communicate with people but i will heed more care when visiting this forum. Anyway let's move on and see if we can find some new stuff out there.


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 11:25 AM
See everyone, we're finding answers AND making friends!

Not to be off topic, but please do explore all of the forums October, that's what I do and it has definitely broadened my horizons...Although the UFO's/Aliens forum can be VERY addicting

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 12:02 PM
Caring And Sharing

Indeed, I think this is the part where Mike Brady says, "I think we all learned something today."

All's well that ends well, and so -- with an eye toward the forum policy posted by Simon himself -- I will close this thread and refer interested members to the other threads gfad listed above.

Never stop looking, never stop wondering and never stop questioning everything.

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