posted on Jun, 13 2008 @ 02:36 PM
see i believe in prediction... but with that said, our future isnt some sort of preprogramed deal, its ever changing with ever chaning variables, just
think of traveling back in time an if you burnt down someones house how that would change so much. well just becuz we arent time traveling doesnt mean
that still doesnt apply, we change our future every sec....
Now these predictions can only see what will happen at the certain time if all variables happened constant... since it doesnt an we know freewill
changes our future always then predictions will just show us what could happen if we continue on that same group of variables....
so unless u got a prediction of something thats gonna happen a week from now, then its most likely going to be changed, maybe not the results but
certainly the time an place.
You'd think these people would of understood that since having visions would lead you to think about why they didnt occur as you saw them an then
your thought process would eventualy lead you to what i said.
Nothing is constant, Everything changes. except change itself.
But with all the prophets like cayce, an nosterdomus an chupack, Many r seeing the same thing, so im pretty sure nukes will fall someday when or
where.... You will have to wait an see unfortunately, not that I want them too, Just that since so many people see the same event hapening just never
get the time right, leaves me to believe we either avoided it or prolonged it.
[edit on 13-6-2008 by Trance Optic]