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The Parallels Are Amazing!

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posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 03:23 AM
I was reading a document in regards to Palestine pre-1948 and you would be ASTOUNDED at what I found in regards to israeli/Palestinian parallels.

The same exact styles were used pre-1948 by the israelis and the VERY SAME excuses that the Palestinians use today. This document almost made me laugh because the irony of it all was just so amazing.

On the first day of July 1947, a small group of British soldiers, Jewish residents,
and newspaper reporters was making its way through a thicket of eucalyptus trees at the
outskirts of Netanya, a small town north of Tel-Aviv.4 They were searching the woods to
find the dead bodies of two British sergeants, Clifford Martin and Marvyn Paice, who
were killed several days earlier by the “Etzel”, the National Military Organization
(NMO) a dissident Zionist underground movement. As they approached their target ,a
horrifying sight appeared. The corpses of the two soldiers were hanging from a tree, their
shirts covering their heads, dry blood that had dripped from their open mouths staining
their close, and a short statement attached to their chests. The note explained that the two
were executed after an NMO court had heard them testify to their crimes and added that
the two asked for pardon but the court rejected their plea. The note neither mentioned nor tried to hide the vengeful character of this deed. The execution of three NMO members
several days earlier by a British military court left little room for doubt.

People think that muslims invented the act of murdering kidnapped hostages?

Since the 1930’s and especially after the end of WWII, the Jewish community in
Palestine was divided in its relation to the British rule. The mainstream Zionist
Organization, “Ha'histadrut Ha’Zionit,” was determined to replace the British rule and
found a Jewish State, but limited its struggle to diplomacy rather than combat. Military
force was used, at least in theory, only for defense against Arab attacks, as the name of
the Organization’s military unit The Hagana, literally “The Defense,” suggests.
The NMO, a dissident organization, which broke off from the Hagana as early as
1931, took a more militant approach. Its members believed that the Jews, especially after
WWII, should take control over their lives and political destiny. Thus, the NMO refused
to accept the Hagana’s “Restrain Policy” (mediniut havlaga) and declared “open season”
against all British military presence in the land. In addition, the NMO made use of more
extreme “terrorist” measures in its struggle with the Arabs.

Many people also believe that the Israelis were innocent in the fact that many Palestinians fled the country in fear. You can see here why they actually fled! They were being terrorized even before Israel became a state in 1948.

For the NMO, the killing of the two British sergeants had a different significance.
It was clearly not an extraordinary crime of violence, but nor was it an ordinary attack
against British military targets. The British soldiers were kidnapped in an attempt to deter
the British authorities from executing three NMO members who were caught during a
previous operation – the break-in to the most guarded prison-house in Akko and the
release of its Jewish inmates.

Notice any similiarities?

Five years after the episode Menachem Begin, the head of the NMO at the time
and later Israel’s first right-wing prime-minister, explained how he understood the
kidnapping and hanging in Netanya.
“None of the British that were caught, up to that point, and there were many
British prisoners along the years, was used for the purpose of revenge. We have never
executed the method of revenge against the British in response to the death of one of our
warriors in battle during combat. We have taught our men that they have the role of
warriors, which might lead to their imminent death.
Only in one single case did we
announce in advance that we would use that cruel rule, which is part of the laws of war
the name of which is retaliation. We have proclaimed” – continued Begin, “that if the
British will not treat our soldiers as war-prisoners but rather treat them as criminal
offenders and hang them, we will respond with a guillotine for a guillotine.”

This absolutely sounds like something the Suicide Bombers would say if you ask me!

In the above passage, Begin lays out the basic structure of revenge as an unjust
but justifiable act. The tone is apologetic precisely because it is clear to the leader of the NMO that it is unjust to kill an unarmed soldier outside of the battlefield. He
nevertheless, attempts to justify the action, distinguishing it from a brute act of violence.
To do so he first suggests that the act of revenge was merely a response to an already
established act of violence. The British are those who started the cycle of non-combative
violence when they decided to put on trial prisoners of war as if they were criminals. This
violent act of injustice called for a response in kind. Thus revenge appears as an unjust
act of violence, which can nevertheless be justified as a retaliation to a similar unjust act
of violence.

Is there any wonder where the PLO, HAMAS or anyone else gets their Ideology from? It is obvious these people set the bar and provided many examples (Not just the King David Hotel) and the methods actually worked for them.

It is significant however, that the NMO did not simply avenge the death of their
brothers-in-arm by killing two British soldiers. Rather, they set a formal judicial process:
pressed charges, tried according to procedure, and only then ordered the execution of the
two soldiers.
Moreover, it was of essential importance for the NMO to turn the execution into a public spectacle. So much so that the Jewish establishment feared that the corpses of the two would be hung for display of an electric pole in one of the busy streets of Netanya.

Approximately twenty-four hours after the sergeant’s execution, the NMO
broadcasting station, “The Combative Voice of Zion”, delivered the following
announcement:16 “The two British spies, Martin and Paice, that were held in underground
arrest since July 12th 1947, were put on trial after the completion of the investigation of
their criminal anti-Hebrew activity. Martin and Paice were convicted for the following
A. Illegal entrance to our homeland.
B. Membership in the British criminal-terrorist organization know as
“The British Occupation Army in the Land of Israel” which is
responsible for negating the right of life from our people, acts of
repression and cruelty, torture, the murder of man, women and
children, the murder of war prisoners, the murder of wounded
prisoners and the expulsion of Jewish citizens from their
C. Illegally holding weapons designed to uphold oppression and
tyranny …

WOW! herein lies one of the big Ironies. This is the SAME basic reasons why the Palestinians do what they do! I'm stunned the 2 situations are exactly alike. Especially if you take a look at Reason C. Illegally holding weapons designed to uphold opression and tyranny! Has so much time passed that not only have the Israelis forgotten WWII Nazi germany, but this point in their history as well!!??

The Source is a PDF document. If you read the document you will also see Britains final answer to the kidnapping of the 2 soldiers. It hauntingly sounds much like the response of Israel towards Hizbollahs kidnapping of their 2 soldiers.


mod edit: title caps

[edit on 14-9-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 03:59 AM
You have voted ThePieMaN for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Nice piece of research
Its too bad that most people will ignore this piece of history as it does not fit into their view of things in the world especially in the Middle East.

Its about time that people woke up and see Israel for what it is and how they are part of the whole terror problem we are facing worldwide today.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 10:36 AM
Thanks for bringing up the subject, PieMaN.

Let it be suplemented with this one:

Zionist Terrorist Menachem Begin Murdered 100 Arabs
In Cold Blood at Deir Yassin on April 9, 1948
Surprise: The World Tribunal Never Prosecuted Begin

Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. The village lay outside of the area to be assigned by the United Nations to the Jewish State; it had a peaceful reputation. But it was located on high ground in the corridor between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and according to Plan Dalet, it was to be destroyed and the residents evacuated.

In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered. Fifty three orphaned children were literally dumped along the wall of the Old City where they were found by Miss Hind Husseini and brought behind the American Colony Hotel to her home which was to become the Dar El-Tifl El-Arabi orphanage.

He was out early. Here's the attack that for the first time drew worldwide attention to the term "Terrorism".

The Bombing of the King David Hotel

The King David Hotel was the site of the British military command and the British Criminal Investigation Division. The Irgun chose it as a target after British troops invaded the Jewish Agency June 29, 1946, and confiscated large quantities of documents. At about the same time, more than 2,500 Jews from all over Palestine were placed under arrest. The information about Jewish Agency operations, including intelligence activities in Arab countries, was taken to the King David Hotel.


Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties and said three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated.

On July 22, 1946, the calls were made. The call into the hotel was apparently received and ignored. Begin quotes one British official who supposedly refused to evacuate the building, saying: "We don't take orders from the Jews." As a result, when the bombs exploded, the casualty toll was high: a total of 91 killed and 45 injured. Among the casualties were 15 Jews. Few people in the hotel proper were injured by the blast.


For decades the British denied they had been warned. In 1979, however, a member of the British Parliament introduced evidence that the Irgun had indeed issued the warning. He offered the testimony of a British officer who heard other officers in the King David Hotel bar joking about a Zionist threat to the headquarters. The officer who overheard the conversation immediately left the hotel and survived.

See where the Palestinians got the idea from? ...and Osama.
Yeah, AMAZING! Isn't it.

Here is theLink to the story.

[edit on 14/9/06 by khunmoon]

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 10:51 AM
My Grandfather fought against the jews in Palestine, and bearing in mind he had just survived the war after 5 years in the deserts of Africa and as recce troop inside occupied europe...

Then he had to go as he put it, "Face the most murderous peoples he had ever faced". The Jews.

He then after 1949 got called to korea, and was talking to some American Army officers who started going on about the 'great day for israelis' getting their own country the year before.. that didn't go down well at all..

He always had the view that in the future, Americans, israelis and the Jews would be the biggest problems to the world.

Seems like he was in a way right.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by khunmoon
Thanks for bringing up the subject, PieMaN.

Let it be suplemented with this one:

Zionist Terrorist Menachem Begin Murdered 100 Arabs

He was out early. Here's the attack that for the first time drew worldwide attention to the term "Terrorism".

What I find to be remarkable is that most people of Jewish Faith or Israeli background will deny this attrocity and chalk it up to Palestinian imagination. I hope to see the day where it is just as illegal to deny a massacre such as this as it is to deny or even question the holocaust. I believe that it will be very beneficial to the israeli mindset to have this injustice ingrained into their thoughts as being wrong instead of denying it and acting as though it never happened.

Events such as these have been denied, unpunished for decades and Israel has never been held accountable. That must be extremely frustrating to human beings after a while to be persecuted , and oppressed never to recieve justice for wrong doings perpetrated against them.

Imagine 2 brothers , both being murderers, 1 brother gets caught and goes to prison, the other stays free and continues killing others, while standing outside the jail screaming at the top of his lungs how guilty the brother in jail is and blaming him for all the death . I'd want to reach through the bars and strangle my brother every chance I got !


[edit on 15-9-2006 by ThePieMaN]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:45 AM
Alot of people don't know the following fact.

FACT : The jews where the first group of people/terrorists to use bus bombings in the jew/arab palestinian conflict.

There first Bus bombing was in July 5, 1938 where they the jews placed explosives in a bus carrying arabs in Jerusalem and detonated it killing 3 arab civillians.

May 17, 1938 - An Arab policeman was killed in an attack on a bus in the Jerusalem-Hebron road.

July 5, 1938 - 7 Arabs were killed in several shooting attacks in Tel-Aviv.
On the same day, 3 Arabs were killed by a bomb detonated in a bus in Jerusalem.


December ll, 1947. Six Arabs were killed and 30 wounded when bombs were thrown from Jewish trucks at Arab buses in Haifa; 12 Arabs were killed and others injured in an attack by armed Zionists on an Arab coastal village near Haifa.

also the first ever bombs in a cafe and street markets where also carried out by jews against arabs :

April 17, 1938 - An Arab was killed by a bomb detonated in a cafe in Haifa


July 6 1938 - 18 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab Melon market in Haifa.

and here's another one:

December 13,1947. Zionist terrorists, believed to be members of Irgun Zvai Leumi, killed 18 Arabs and wounded nearly 60 in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Lydda areas. In Jerusalem, bombs were thrown in an Arab market-place near the Damascus Gate; in Jaffa, bombs were thrown into an Arab cafe; in the Arab village of Al Abbasya, near Lydda, 12 Arabs were killed in an attack with mortars and automatic weapons.

those are just a handfull of examples of jewish poineering of terrorism.

There are more examples on the following website :


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:24 AM
I still have a preference for Israel. I always have a preference for an ally.

It doesn't surprise me that they may well have started ther own destruction.

Every country has done wrong on that scale of evil. That's why I continually say that the only good your country is for is to protect you from other countries, and if it can't then you need to get rid of it.

Iran is dangerously close to bringing down itself, whether right or is Israel. As I want the wolf off my jugular, I don't want the palestininans to win. If they are too busy boming Israel, they have less time to focus on America, who is next on the they have so makred us.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by jlc163
I still have a preference for Israel. I always have a preference for an ally.

An ally should never bring you problems. An ally should never take the lives of citizens of its allies. An ally as a representative of our morals and values should never fail in presenting that image. An ally should never constantly take advantage of the other monetarily. An ally should never involve itself in the others politics or attempt to sway its representatives, or hold its representatives to blackmail. An ally should not give false information in order to rescue or preserve its own citizens and sacrifice the others in order to hold and keep power over its enemies. An ally does not misuse, abuse or break contracts.


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by iqonx
Alot of people don't know the following fact.

FACT : The jews where the first group of people/terrorists to use bus bombings in the jew/arab palestinian conflict.

You are right. Up until just recently I was under the impression that the Stern Gang/Irgun basically perpetrated only that one attrocity at the King David Hotel, but since I have been digging around I see there are many other incidences of guerilla/terrorist occurances.

A seemingly famous attack was "The Girl in The Red Dress". A woman by the name of Sima Fleishaker-Hoizmen. They used Jews dressed as arab porters to perpetrate the attack.


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

Originally posted by jlc163I still have a preference for Israel. I always have a preference for an ally.
An ally should never bring you problems. An ally should never take the lives of citizens of its allies. An ally as a representative of our morals and values should never fail in presenting that image. An ally should never constantly take advantage of the other monetarily. An ally should never involve itself in the others politics or attempt to sway its representatives, or hold its representatives to blackmail. An ally should not give false information in order to rescue or preserve its own citizens and sacrifice the others in order to hold and keep power over its enemies. An ally does not misuse, abuse or break contracts. Pie

It's nice to be ideological. (I prefer it on a regular basis.)
If America would break off this aliance, I'd no longer be rabidly pro-Israel. It's not happening, though.
My stance hasn't changed:
An ally better bring me his problems, so I can see if I can tolerate helping and that way I have reasonable rights to bug him for help, when that time comes. As my own country takes it's own citizens lives, I expect allies to take my peoples lives, just rediculously much less often than my enemies. An ally cannot be a full representation of our morals, as countries are as individual as people, and all nations will eventually fail to mirror each other, even on moral grounds. As an ally partnership is designed to benefit your own country, and ally who doesn't try to tak eadvantage of me is very suspect. As my own country gives out false information to the whole world, why should the whole world, especially allies give us nothing but truth? How in the world do we assume that we don't lie to Israel, for that matter? There are certain issues that a government decides are required for allieship, and when they are breached, they will posture like peacocks until one backs down or they go to war, no longer allies. An ally who doesn't abuse the allyship ia not seeking the best interest of their own country.

If they were this deep in our pockets, they'd be another state.

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by jlc163
As my own country takes it's own citizens lives, I expect allies to take my peoples lives, just rediculously much less often than my enemies.

So you support Israel so much that you will go as far as to accept the deaths of over 38 Americans on the USS Liberty?

As an ally partnership is designed to benefit your own country, and ally who doesn't try to tak eadvantage of me is very suspect. As my own country gives out false information to the whole world, why should the whole world, especially allies give us nothing but truth? How in the world do we assume that we don't lie to Israel, for that matter?

Ok so whats the benefit of giving over 15mil a day to me? How do I benefit paying for a settlers home to be built in Israel? In effect you are saying we are Allied to Israel rather then Israel allied to the USA. There is a difference. It should be the latter. If we are the superpower it should be the little guy allied to us and not the other way around.

There are certain issues that a government decides are required for allieship, and when they are breached, they will posture like peacocks until one backs down or they go to war, no longer allies. An ally who doesn't abuse the allyship ia not seeking the best interest of their own country.

Here, Im totally confused. I don't know what you mean.

Jonathon Pollard, The 150 "art students" in the DOD, the sale of info to China, USS Liberty, the recent AIPAC spy scandal, Dov Zakheim and the f-15/F-16's Fire sale (As well as a few trillion $ missing), and the resale of Helicopters to Columbian drug lords are enough for me to realize who is benefitting out of our alliance. It doesn't take much more to convince me. I guess it takes some a little longer to realize when they are being jacked up.


posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 09:53 PM
I'm impressed by you, Pie man. Please, keep up the amazing work. You actually made the local radio in the US for your find a while back. Which is funny, because I loved this site before then. You know?

I voted you for Way Above too!!!!!

posted on Sep, 16 2006 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by smalllight
I'm impressed by you, Pie man. Please, keep up the amazing work. You actually made the local radio in the US for your find a while back. Which is funny, because I loved this site before then. You know?

I voted you for Way Above too!!!!!

Thanks for the vote. On the radio? I don't think I've ever found anything that hasn't been already uncovered by anyone lese though. All this stuff is out there but you have to sift through all the sites that are out there to hide it first. Many organziations have set it up that they rank high on the search engines offering their version of things (Like Jewish Virtual Library, CAMERA and MEMRI or other Pro-Israeli sites) while the relevant pages are buried in the back.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:13 AM
Yes, you did. You made on to Top 40 Radio in the US for that discovery a while back. Which just shows you how big the internet is these days. Congradulations. Yes, people before you had uncovered it. But your just more interesting.

[edit on 9/17/2006 by smalllight]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 08:58 AM
I found this article to be quite interesting. This I never knew about. I found this aarticle while surfing on boingboing. I did always think of Pirates as being Brittish as they have always been portrayed in the movies.

There's no arrr-guing that pirates are in.

As of last weekend, Disney had plundered $1 billion worldwide with "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," and International Talk Like a Pirate Day -- that's Sept. 19, for you landlubbers -- has gone from an inside joke between two friends to a mock holiday celebrated in more than 40 countries.

Yet tales of Jewish piracy, which stretch back thousands of years, aren't in the public's consciousness, and Hollywood even has been known to remove a pirate's Jewish background. As a result, we're stuck with portrayals of pirates as wayward English seamen on a murderous rampage.

But now a forthcoming book hopes to change that image by focusing on Ladino-speaking Jews whose piracy grew out of the Inquisition. "The Jewish pirates were Sephardic. Once they were kicked out of Spain [in 1492], the more adventurous Jews went to the New World," said Ed Kritzler, whose yet-untitled book on Jewish pirates will be published by Doubleday in spring 2007.

Jewish piracy has been around since well before the Barbary pirates first preyed on ships during the Crusades. In the time of the Second Temple, Jewish historian Flavius Josephus records that Hyrcanus accussed Aristobulus of "acts of piracy at sea."

Kritzler has studied pirates for 40 years, and said that the public is fascinated with them because they're "rugged individuals in a world of conformity. They carved their own identity, independent of the rules and strictures of society."

But determining the exact number of Jewish pirates is difficult, Kritzler said, because many of them traveled as Conversos, or converts to Christianity, and practiced their Judaism in secret.

While some Jews, like Samuel Pallache, took up piracy in part to help make a better life for expelled Spanish Jews, Kritzler said others were motivated by revenge for the Inquisition.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 10:17 AM
Jewish pirates, can't say I'm surprised. Pirates of every coastal nation is expected, plus I read of them in books about the middle ages.

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