posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 06:25 PM
Hey folks. It's been a while since I posted in this forum... and I got a question/problem...
There's this girl I've really liked for a while (known her for a little over a year). We've been talking a whole lot and everything seems to have
been going just fine. Recently however, she's started talking with another dude more frequently and they would sometimes have lunch together. I
didn't mind at all.
Now for the juicy part... the guy recently started talking to me wanting to know about her. So I told him a bit of what I knew. Me and her have still
been talking and today, she asked me (since she knows me & him speak) if he's ever asked or spoken about her.
Right then in my mind I was a combo of
, :bnghd: and
In front of her, he blantantly flirts, and says the kinds of things I'd be too much of a puss to say.
Since I'm friends with the two of them, should I just carry on the middleman job? Is it wrong to put my own feelings aside and help her with him for
the sake of making her happy? (like I want to do) ...or should I spill my guts and risk making things awkward?
I don't want to be a douchebag... but I don't want to be a doormat either. I guess it's also safe to say I'm in the friend zone since I'm
literally the only person shes confided this to? (the fact she likes him)