posted on Sep, 12 2006 @ 02:37 PM
Originally posted by HowardRoark
Why didn't we think of it before?
Yes, he is serious.
ha ha ha
But I'll stick with my Lone Phone Call theory--namely, **IF** a gvmt official instigated 911, then it must have been thru a single phone call to
someone in the Bin Laden family on behalf of their close business partners and friends (the Bushes).
The phone call could have gone something like this:
Bush: Hi Shafiq (Osama Bin Laden's brother)!
Shafiq Bin Laden: Hey there Georgie!
Bush: I need a favor, bro!
Shafiq: Sure, anything!
Bush: Can you arrange to have your brother to execute a major terror attack on the US homeland--an attack that will cause at least several 1000 US
fatalities and be guaranteed to have everlasting camera legs?
Shafiq: Ok, but you must promise to bring me to that BBQ place you've been telling me about?
Bush: ha ha! No problem.
Shafiq: Consider it done!
Bush: Thanks, but one more thing!
Shafiq: Sure, what is it?
Bush: We must never speak of this again, except that you must call me one day before the attack and let me know where and when it will happen.
Shafiq: Sounds reasonable. So, now we speak no more of this business. But let's get back to those oil prices we were talking long
before the 2006 election did you say you wanted them to start coming down?