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The Jesuits and the Black Pope

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posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
I can find no evidence to support your claim that the Jesuits have been a part of an NWO conspiracy prior to the Spectrum magazine articel in 2000.

I recall being in school long prior to the year 2000 and the head of the jesuits, from the time when they were ascendant, being called 'the black pope'. I don't know if they've specifcally been charged by people as being part of the NWO, but there have certainly been conspiracy theories about them prior to the year 2000.

Whereas it is likely that there have been hundreds, if not thousands, of conspiracies relative to the Order, I can find none that rise to the level that is being stated here. I find it hogwash at a minimum.

I agree that the Jesuits aren't 'evil bastards' fronting for the NWO, or anything at all like that.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
That which is hidden is usually equated with darkness or inability to see.

Right, "Black" has two interpretations.

One interpretation, is the egos(that we don't perceive because our Consciousness is asleep) or Black Magic.

And the other interpretation Being the Absolute or Infinite Divine Consciousness, which we don't perceive, because That is imperceivable, yet the Highest form of, or Pure Consciousness.

The White Magician seeks to serve the latter Blackness who is also known as the Original Man.

...Esoterically, "black" symbolizes the state of consciousness that comes about when all thought has ceased.

When Mr. Muhammad taught of Black Consciousness, he was referring to thought-free (trance) consciousness.

This is the "Asiatic Black Man" (astral plane thought-free mind) that was "the original man."

Yogis call that consciousness samadhi. Esoteric NOI theology places samadhi, then, as the original and natural state of man.

The Asiatic Black Man also refers to the subconscious mind. The subconscious generates the virtual reality world we inhabit. Thus, NOI theology says that the Asiatic Black Man is the "maker, the owner, the cream of the planet earth, god of the universe."

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

I recall being in school long prior to the year 2000 and the head of the jesuits, from the time when they were ascendant, being called 'the black pope'. I don't know if they've specifcally been charged by people as being part of the NWO, but there have certainly been conspiracy theories about them prior to the year 2000.

Yup. Our old parish priest was a Jesuit, and I remember my dad talking about 'the Black Pope' when I was about 10 - which would have been 1980. And he said 'don't mention it to the priest' - on the basis that as a troublemaker I probably would.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 07:49 AM
I thought the term "Black Pope" originated with Anton Szandor LaVey, who began calling himself that in the late '60's.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:13 AM
link to elect new 'black pope' in 2008

The superior general of the Jesuits, Dutch Fr Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, has informed members of the Society that he intends to step down in 2008, the year he will turn 80.[...]
Each of the 91 Jesuit provinces in the world will hold a provincial congregation by 1 March 1 2007, to prepare for the Rome gathering.

While the Jesuit superior general is elected for life, the order's constitutions allow a superior to step down.

I have copied this text from if anybody wants a look at the sources for this information

[edited quote to use 'ex' tags and shorten amount in complaince with copyright considerations -nygdan]

[edit on 20-9-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:00 PM
I am surprised the connection between the Jesuits and the Vril Society hasn't come up.

The Vril society was in mind of the Black Sun, with emphasis of bringing forth the Superman with the help of the Secret Chiefs, used by Nazi Germany and Hitler. It is claimed that the Spiritual Exercises of the Jesuits were very helpful with this method of harnessing the Vril.

There is currently an active thread on Vril Society on ATS.

Nice little Catholic guys? Whatever........

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 03:40 PM
Perhaps we should stick closer to the topic, rather than trying to deal with the Vril society in this thread.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 04:49 PM
I would have thought that the influence of the Jesuits on the Vril Society would have bearing on this thread, particulary if the spiritual exercises both parties used involved some type of demonology as I am understanding them to,

If the two harbor the same goal, then I do think the reference is relevant.

As I mentioned, there is currently another thread about the Vril Society to study that peice, I am not bringing their history into this thread.

What kind of spiritual exercises are we talking about? Does anyone know?

[edit on 20-9-2006 by interestedalways]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 07:46 PM
The spiritual exercises refer to Loyola's worldview in the reformation/counter-reformation era, and the Spanish attitude to 'moors' figures strongly in it, because they had only recently reconquered the whole of the country. It should be taken as such, rather than showing any modern anti-muslim sentiment.


WAY too much information

You go on a retreat with a mentor and reflect on stuff. Lay people can do it too, apparently - I never have.

I still think their history of campaigning for social justice is of greater interest than any spiritual exercises or conspiracy theories.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 07:58 PM
Indeed, way too much info.
What I glanced at didn't appear to be so scary.

Take Care

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

I think that it is logical that satanists (the brotherhood), has infiltrated the Catholic Church due to the heavy pagan associations with the Catholic Church in past.


As usual we disagree but I still contend that you cannot be a spokesman for 33 degree masonry despite your assertions that you are.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo

As usual we disagree but I still contend that you cannot be a spokesman for 33 degree masonry despite your assertions that you are.

Methinks you are lying. If not, please link to any post I ever made where I "asserted I was a spokesman for 33 degree Masonry".

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:24 AM
nice one..
a star and a flag for you..
i'm not sure why there are not many reply's to your post..
i believe you are on the right track here..
i found the article you supplied a while back OP.
i was truly shocked by what i read..
the truth is right under our noses if we care to look..



posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:41 PM
The Jesuits hands are covered in blood here are some Jesuits ivolved in Massacre and Inquisitions.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by orangeman dave

thanks for that link orange dave.. that should help me no end in some of my religous studies i'm doing at the moment.. the more i read about them the more i'm sure we are looking at the masters of the world as we know it..


posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 06:36 AM
Does anyone know what is in the vaults in the Vatican library?I know it's meant't to be secret so i don't expect a whole load of info.I've still got to look into the whole Vatican /Pope/Jesiut issue myself but since falling down the rabbit hole early on this year alot of roads seem to lead back to the Vatican whether it's ufo's etc whatever.Either this is huge smokescreen to distract people from finding out the truth or there's something really going on.Two questions to start with for myself;Why was 'God's Banker'found dead hung under Blackfriars Bridge in London(interesting connection with name of bridge?) and why do the Vatican need a huge telescope?Don't they trust NASA?

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by candyfloss
Does anyone know what is in the vaults in the Vatican library?I know it's meant't to be secret so i don't expect a whole load of info.I've still got to look into the whole Vatican /Pope/Jesiut issue myself but since falling down the rabbit hole early on this year alot of roads seem to lead back to the Vatican whether it's ufo's etc whatever.Either this is huge smokescreen to distract people from finding out the truth or there's something really going on.Two questions to start with for myself;Why was 'God's Banker'found dead hung under Blackfriars Bridge in London(interesting connection with name of bridge?) and why do the Vatican need a huge telescope?Don't they trust NASA?

i can tell you that the telescope was built because the vatican was pretty sure that the planet or star wormword was about to make it self known.. although at first glance we seem to be getting off topic but a central figure involved in disclouser at the time was an ex jesuit priest Fr Malachi Martin.. also the respected ken steadman figures alot in the story,,

Malachi Martin, eminent theologian, expert on the Catholic Church, former Jesuit and professor at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute, is the author of the national best seller, “Vatican, The Final Conclave, Hostage to the Devil, and The Jesuits.” He was trained in theology at Louvain. There he received his doctorates in Semitic Languages, Archeology and Oriental History. He subsequently studied at Oxford and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From 1958 to 1964 he served in Rome, where he was a close associate of the renowned Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and Pope John XXIII. Martin passed away late 1999. (Courtesy background info Kent Steadman,

youusa transcript with Malachi Martin

here is some more info i just found about a cable car accident which was allegedly carrying some vatican astronomers.. i have not verified this information and the site does not seem to be a verifiable source so do your own research..

A. Query, Alleged Earthshaking News E MAIL 7/10/99: Bad News from Vatican Observatory;
1. ROME (AP)-- The Vatican Observatory will soon make an announcement from its Castel Gandolfo Headquarters concerning certain startling and earthshaking news discovered by the late astronomers at Pic de Bure Observatory. Vatican astronomers at Castel Gandolfo and Mount Graham International Observatory said the news is grim.

B. Death of (above) French Observatory Workers3. Cable car accident kills 20 observatory workers in France Cable car accident kills 20 observatory workers in France Village in shock; cause of sudden plunge unclear.

B. ORBIT Research Thus Far1. Vatican Observatory Publications Update of Time allocated on VATT [Vatican Telescope) for May 1 - Sept 30, 1999

NOTE: Vatican Observatory (vo) schedule: 6/4 - 6/11 Ryan & Ryan vatt2k Asteroids 3. EMAIL, 7/11/99 5:00:32 AM: I watched the news of the tram for days on TV here [Australia]. It was made a big story, yet normally something like that wouldn't be (here, at least). I discounted it on first report, but when we kept hearing the same story over and over I sat and really listened. The report was that 20 astronomers were on that tram. No other people, just astronomers. No cleaners, no support people. I sure would like to get my hands on the list!!! continued: Additional Detailed Information "What is Approaching Us" Father Malachi Martin(concerning activities at Vatican telescope at Mt. Graham International Observatory) See ORBIT for additional ongoing research, updates and clues:

[utl=]Bad News from Vatican Observatory[/url]

i also heard reports at the time that the Vatican just pushed their way into mountain in Arizona, Mount Graham.. how could the Vatican operate with such impunity..



posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by candyfloss
Why was 'God's Banker'found dead hung under Blackfriars Bridge in London(interesting connection with name of bridge?)

in relation to above after a small google search i found this interesting story..

The convicted Mafia boss, Pippo Calo, followed proceedings over a video link to his prison. According to documents leaked last year, the prosecution will seek to prove that he ordered Calvi murdered, for bungling the laundering of Cosa Nostra's funds and to stop him blackmailing powerful former associates in the Vatican and Italian society.

Two British women are expected to give evidence. One, Odette Jones (nee Morris), 43, from west London, was arrested last year on suspicion of perjury and conspiring to pervert the course of justice. Ms Morris, who is understood to be a relative of Mr Carboni, was questioned about the claim that she provided him with a false alibi. The other was the girlfriend of an Italian antiques dealer who died three months after Calvi. He is thought to have been murdered for threatening to name the banker's killers.

Four go on trial for murder of God's banker

I found that article from a different site..

Banco Ambrosiano and the Vatican Bank

scroll down a bit and there a few links to different articles about that story.. this is the first i heard of this but i do find it interesting..

happy researching



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