posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 08:34 AM
hello everyone, two weeks ago, in the weekend, I had this experience while meditating on a large quartz crystal.
I tell you what, I held it in front of, what they all call, my minds eye, "the third eye". I held it against that part of me when I recall something
I did in a course some time ago.
It was to hold something in front of it and going into that object and experiencing, visioning that one is in the object and to sense how it is in
there, how it feels to be in it. Like with a leaf of a tree. It feels gummy, dense, a bit moisturish.
Well, I did it with this quartz crystal. I went into it, and a few seconds later a grand spark sparked in my mind. A small flash. Intense light/blue.
I became like stable in a second with more sense of reality, more balance. It changed me in a subtle way, just more stable, as I still am. This was
great to have experienced, maybe a good trick for meditating on crystals.
Open your mind, vision the crystal in it and go to the center of that crystal, try to feel how it is in there, to experience yourself in the crystal,
I hope this spark will hit you, very powerfull indeed.
The very best and good luck doing it someone!
(I tried it again a few days later but it didn't happen anymore, probably because I allready had taken the energy up into me. As I said, I still feel
more balanced. A very good trick!)
ething to notice, I had this spark like more in the right side of my mind/brain. This probably being personal.