posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 07:32 PM
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Just days before an EU-Russia summit, the EU today warned Moscow that the way it is dealing with the Yukos affair will be a
"test case". Brussels is hinting that trade relations will depend on its outcome.
"It seems that the way the case has been run up until now is way off what we would consider acceptable", said Commission spokesperson Diego Ojeda.
"That could threaten the process we are trying to achieve with Russia in building a European economic space", he added.
The affair relates to the detention of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who, until today (4 November), was the head of Yukos, one of the biggest energy firms in
Russia, and who has been in prison since Saturday.
Allegations that Mr Khodorkovsky's arrest was linked to his backing of opposition parties or talks with foreign investors have prompted the EU to
The EU made the right desicion. While he may have evaded taxes, the main reason is still political.