posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 10:42 AM
I think National Service would be great, but its one of those things what would be great if we as a nation could afford it, which sadly we can't.
Across the country the feral aspect of the youth, and the not so youthful is disgusting, I would like to state that not all hoody wearing people under
25 are knife wielding granny robbing nutters.
I know plenty of people who wear hoodies, and their as dangerous as fluffy bunnies inside fort Knox.
Its the Chav culture and I'm using the word Chav to describe a sub-culture here, who prides threats over peaceful discussion, mugging over long term
hard work and a bottle over the head of some bloke at the bar who might have looked at his girl.
Chav culture is not just me picking on the working class, its me stepping back and looking at the problem.
Chav culture has grown within the working and middle class, its not suddenly popped up out of no where, its a generation issue, something that can't
be fixed we a few slaps on the wrists... oh sorry can't do that, fixed with an ASBO I mean.
Its not simply a law and order issue, the problem is across the system, change is needed to sort the problem out, change that people might not like
and might feel guilty about.
A reworking of the benefits system is needed, if a person can't find work and remains on heavier benefits they have spare time, bettering their
community through work will benefit not only the council saving money but also help people to better their community through rubbish clearing,
graffiti removal etc and if they don't like it, the strings to the benefit purse can be tightened.
Benefits is the life blood of those who cause havoc, control the benefits maintain the order.
If a child vandalises and fights in the street then their whole family suffers, benefits are reduced and they have to learn otherwise the state will
stop being so nice with the tax payer money.
The Government current efforts I'm ashamed of, ASBO's and on the spot fines, I'm worried by the "big brother will help raise your children
database" slap a bar code on me and call me Child of the state 101.
The state should be a tool to better society.