On Sept 11, 2001 a great tragedy occurred on American soil. Members of the planer Earth have sought to obtain information that will set the wheel in
motion to bring justice for those that suffered that day and this nation America.
In so doing we must ask ourselfs, if we find the people responable for the acts on 911, will we be able to ask for justice. We have millions of people
around the world and in this country America searching and reviewing information about events before and after 911 that could possibly give insight to
the event.
However, it has been brought to my attention here at ATS that if you bring up the connection to jewish person you are a racist, it the word racist is
like a hatred born of some figment imposed by others who feel themselfs superior to others.
WE can ask questions about the planes, the towers falling, the muslims getting the planes. But in so doing this we are not to ask hard questions, else
were are just racists and not real people looking for real answers.
One can ask there were five dancing Israelis who were arrested, but your considered a racist if you think so or go any further in investigating this
event, however.
Back in Israel, several of the men discussed what happened on an Israeli talk show. One of them made this remarkable comment: “The fact of the
matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.” But how can you document an event
unless you know it is going to happen.
4,000 Jews Did Not Go To Work At WTC On Sept. 11
The name of their “moving company” actually contained the word MOSSAD embedded inside. Moving Systems Incorporated… MOving SyStems
www.jewsdidwtc.com... Turning Over Stones With Israelis Underneath.
why are these people not also in the investigation of the events of terrorism on American Soil. Is it because to do so is considered being a racist,
anti-semitic in nature. When can we as americans not be proud of being ourselfs and in truth find out what happened on 911. If the israelis have
information we need then we should get it. Why are we giving these people money if they might have been behind the tragedy of 911. For those on this
site that think jews should not be asked this question, it must not have been your country that was hit by these terrorists, because if it was then
you would want to know!
No kid gloves people, finding out who did 911 is not about being nice and friendly, it about seeking the real truth and asking questions that hurt!