posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 06:34 PM
Good ?s, Z. I've also often wondered about the supposed surgically excised implants. Here's a few more ?s to toss into the pile:
So these are 78% "not of this world"? Says who? the 'surgeon'? Is this person also a physicist? What other pedigrees does this person have -
can we chack them? How does he/she know what material is 'of this world' or not? How was that 78% figure derived? Was an independant lab analysis
done? By whom? Where is the implant now? Can we get it to an independant lab for study? (doubt it). Can we see a few pictures of the implant at
least? (not some grainy BW cell phone snapshot either - more like a close-up hi-res stereomicrophotograph). What is the supposed 22% of known earth
material made of? How do they know? How does the implant relate to other supposed implants - has any comparison been done? What happens to all
these implants once they've been removed? What happens to the patients? Any changes? Any follow-up? Where are they now? By what criteria is the
composition of the impants determined? (e.g., have they been subject to mass chromatogrphs, spectrometers, what? Can we see THOSE test results?
(doubt it).
I hate to be the shkepteek here (as my pal Fox Mulder would say, "I want to believe"), but until we see something a bit more substantial than a bad
photo of some bearded, balding, she-doc holding up a small diode/resistor with tweezers - as all the evidence we're entitled to, well - my judgement,
at least, remains reserved.
Good luck, my friends - and keep up the good posts...