posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 03:48 AM
I am motioning...again it have a pinned topic specifically created in congress with the Masons here (that is not written simply by any one
person and thus not just one opinion, so this will be a small effort not just slap stick) that out-lays the basic arguments a Mason may find himself
repeating time and time again to people who believe Masonry is a Satanic Cult this, or Albert-pike that or Masonry is a front for the common man for
the NWO...
That way should those arguments be made by someone, a very well composed reference is already constructed to get the discussion past repetition and
into the realm of further research and more involved discussion.
Perhaps anti-masons can do a similar thing and thus those things most commonly repeated (slowing down real discussion) will already be easily
referenced to by anyone wishing to spark such a conversation.