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Mathematics and Secret Societes

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posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 09:50 PM
I would like to open a discussion on the topic mathematics and secret societies, the use/worship of them and perfect numbers pertaining to wave forms and syns of our natural world.

For example, the frequency of the earth and the frequencey of our human bodies.

The research and delvelopment of LTL weapons by DARPA using energies and frequencies including but not limited to direct enegy transfer, harmonic manipulation, eventually tying this into psycho-tronic warfare against targets foreign and domentic.

Then go indepth on the mathematics and geometeries of certain symbols which from which ancients or lor have represented this power.

Anyone up for a brisk decision. Only serious applicants need apply.


posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 10:22 PM

“After learning Mathematics which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true. You can always prove it at no limit of time” - The Supreme Wisdom Lessons

“The Religion of Islam is equally as true as Mathematics & mathematics is as true as Islam if you know how to use both of them in the proper place” - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Maat, pronounced "Ma-aut", corresponds to the faculty within man wherein is intuited and experienced the urge to live truth (according to the laws of the indwelling self). The name and the meaning derived from the hieroglyph that is the phonetic symbol of "Maa"-the measure of a cubit. The connection of measurement with Truth is one of the most profound achievements of the African mind. We saw that the name of Maat's compliment (brother/husband), Tehuti, is also based on the idea of measurement. When something, one side of an equation is known, it is because we have an objective standard, the other side of the equation, against which to measure it. Hence the "double measure" or "Tehu-ti", the "utchau metut" (Weighing of Words) and the Weighing of the Heart judgment, etc.

The construction of all things and the unfolding of all events are based on universal patterns underlying the activities of all natural forces. While some of the patterns underlying physical phenomena have been discovered and codified by Western scientists (E.g., chemistry, physics), Africans and other Nonwestern people have discovered and codified the patterns governing our day to day existence and spiritual development. In other words, the quality of life, the destiny of men and nations are ruled by forces that are as measurable and subject to codification into immutable laws as are the factors governing physical and chemical phenomena. In the esoteric tradition, the branch of study governing these laws is Cosmology. The embodiment of these laws (moral canon), against which the actions and beliefs of Man are weighed/measured, is Maat.

By extension, the term 'maat' has several denotations in the everyday language of the Kamitic people; straight, rule, law, canon by which the lives of men is kept straight, real unalterable ("it, the law, hath never been altered since the time of Ausar"), upright, righteous and steadfast or consistent. The last correspondence, "steadfast or consistent", is of extreme importance. In the Kamitic tradition, a person cannot claim that he is living truth if he has not been consistent in the observance of the spiritual laws at each and every crossroad situation. This is why it is said, "Today as Yesterday, Tomorrow as Today, is Truth!"

© Ra Un Nefer Amen

"Now what is good? I feel goodness is Total Order. Not only outwardly, but especially inwardly. I think that Order can be Absolute, as in Mathematics I believe there is Complete Order. And it is disorder that leads to chaos, to destruction, to anarchy, to the so-called evil."

"Order, inwardly, is akin to the Absolute Order of Mathematics."

"And there must be order, something living and beautiful, not a mechanical thing - the order of the Universe, the order that exists in Mathematics, the order that exists in nature, in the relationship between various animals, an order that human beings have totally denied, because in ourselves we are in disorder, which means that we are fragmentary, contradictory, frightened and all the rest of it."

"So order in this sense has the same pattern as Mathematics; in the Highest Mathematics is the Highest Order, Absolute Order. And that Absolute Order, one must have it in oneself."

- Jiddu Krishnamurti

"If we carefully study the Christian Gospels, then we will find in them Pythagorean Mathematics, the Chaldean and Babylonian Parable and the formidable Buddhist Moral."

"All Kabbalists base themselves on the Tarot and it is necessary for them to comprehend the Tarot and study it deeply. The Universe was made with the Law of numbers, measurements and weight.

Mathematics forms the Universe, and the numbers become living entities."

- V.M. Samael Aun Weor

"The Pythagoreans declared Arithmetic to be the Mother of the Mathematical Sciences.

This is proved by the fact that geometry, music, and astronomy are dependent upon it but it is not dependent upon them. Thus, geometry may be removed but arithmetic will remain; but if arithmetic be removed, geometry is eliminated. In the same manner music depends upon arithmetic, but the elimination of music affects arithmetic only by limiting one of its expressions. The Pythagoreans also demonstrated arithmetic to be prior to astronomy, for the latter is dependent upon both geometry and music. The size, form, and motion of the celestial bodies is determined by the use of geometry; their harmony and rhythm by the use of music. If astronomy be removed, neither geometry nor music is injured; but if geometry and music be eliminated, astronomy is destroyed. The priority of both geometry and music to astronomy is therefore established. Arithmetic, however, is prior to all; it is primary and fundamental."

- Manly P. Hall 33°

"Supreme Mathematics, this ain't black magic, I do my work amongst dope fiends and crack addicts, Civilize the savage, Eighty-Five's run rampant, We try'nna save these babies lives."

- Lord Jamar

[edit on 5-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 5 2006 @ 08:23 PM
More on Mathematics:

Dream Yoga: Four

So when we are developing that inspirational knowledge then we are ready to enter into the intuitive part of it, which is the higher level of meditation. Then you will go beyond the astral plane, beyond the mental plane. Then you will experience the truth, the reality in itself.

In order to enter into the sixth dimension and to understand the language of the intuitional world we need to know at least the basics of Mathematics because that world is Pure Mathematics, where Kabbalah comes from.

If you do not know Kabbalah or the basics of Mathematics you will not understand the language of the sixth dimension.

We need to develop that. Meditation is the way.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
Then go indepth on the mathematics and geometeries of certain symbols which from which ancients or lor have represented this power.

This is what I was getting at...

.. is that the Ancients knew that Mathematics is the basis or Foundation(the number 9 is very interesting in regard to Mathematical/Kabbalistic workings).

As far as the Klipothic application of Mathematics, or the workings of the false scientists of the Anti-Christ; I couldn't give you much info on that, if that's what you're specifically looking for.

But if one studies the positive application of Mathematics, one can easily begin to see how the destructive applications are put into action all around us...

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 05:02 PM
An example of the negative application of Mathematics is the Lesser Keys of Solomon, which are the Klipothic, or inverted application of the 72 Hebrew Names of God.

Not that the false scientists of the Anti-Christ(who are mostly unconscious) necessarily utilize Goetia in this way(I'll bet that JPL did though), but this is just an example.

I'd even go as far as saying that the Zionist bankers who control the funding of many projects(space-travel, mind-control, etc.), manipulate people from the higher levels of the power structure with Goetic sciences.

[edit on 6-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 08:02 PM
How are you Tamahu? I consistantly find your answers intriguing. Are you an "adept" ? You seem to have more esoteric knowledge than anyone I have encountered here on ATS. How do you find so much information on so many subjects?

What is Goetic Science. Do you know anything about Michael Aquinas? I just thought of him and his position in mind control ops for the army when you mentioned about us being controlled. He is the high priest of Temple of Set, I believe and was implicated in problems in a day care in San Francisco.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 08:24 PM
Hi interestedalways

Originally posted by interestedalways
How are you Tamahu?

That's a hard question for me to answer to be honest.

I consistantly find your answers intriguing. Are you an "adept" ? You seem to have more esoteric knowledge than anyone I have encountered here on ATS. How do you find so much information on so many subjects?


Not even close.

I've studied quite a bit though.

Now it's time to put Knowledge into action more; as knowledge without action is not true Gnosis.

Reminds me that I've yet to reply to your U2U.

I'll try to soon.

What is Goetic Science.

It's the art of arranging meetings with Klipothic entities.

Whether or not one is successful is another thing...:

The 72 Names Of God

It's kind of like, in a way, invoking Wrathful Dieities in Tibetan Buddhism; however Wrathful Dieities aren't necessarily from Klipoth, as are the demons of the negative application of the Shemhamphorash.

Do you know anything about Michael Aquinas? I just thought of him and his position in mind control ops for the army when you mentioned about us being controlled. He is the high priest of Temple of Set, I believe and was implicated in problems in a day care in San Francisco.

I don't know much.

But I find it to be very interesting that JPL(see info on Jack Parsons) and NASA are connected, and that MICHAEL AQUINO's name is on NASA's list(considering that Samael Aun Weor emphatically stated that modern space travel science is, for the most part, of the Anti-Christ).

Stardust | JPL | NASA

Another search:

[edit on 6-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 08:41 PM
Amazing that you noticed Michael Aquino's name on that list, Tamahu! Also missing is his wife, Lilith's name. You should look at the symbol for his mind control operation. It is like two eyes, or two diamonds. I am scared of him. I don't even like mentioning his name. The day care I mentioned earlier was the Presidio and it is no longer in operation and he no longer is employed by the Army.

Sorry for the hi-jack. Good thread. I wish I could understand Mathematics because I know it is a major key. Understanding mathmatical concepts also allows the brain to think differently than usual and in complex, logical ways.

Someone told me today that according to Stephen Hawkings the universe is collapsing on itself instead of expanding as Einstien theorized. Also that Saturn may well be a sun in our lifetime. That is mathmatically based, I suppose.

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Amazing that you noticed Michael Aquino's name on that list, Tamahu! Also missing is his wife, Lilith's name. You should look at the symbol for his mind control operation. It is like two eyes, or two diamonds. I am scared of him. I don't even like mentioning his name. The day care I mentioned earlier was the Presidio and it is no longer in operation and he no longer is employed by the Army.

Thanks for the info, perhaps I'll look into it.

Sorry for the hi-jack.

It's not a hi-jack.

In fact, I think the author of this thread was more interested in things such as JPL and NASA in relation to mind-control and occultism.

Good thread. I wish I could understand Mathematics because I know it is a major key. Understanding mathmatical concepts also allows the brain to think differently than usual and in complex, logical ways.

The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

The world of Intuition is the world of Mathematics.

The student that wants to elevate himself to the world of Intuition must be a Mathematician, or at least have notions of Arithmetic.

In Kaballah, everything is numbers and Mathematics. The Number is Holy and Infinite.

In the universe everything is measure and weight. For the Gnostics, God is a Geometrist.

Mathematics are sacred.

No one was admitted into the school of Pythagoras if they were not knowledgeable about mathematics, music, etc.

Numbers are sacred.

...If the student is not prepared, he is deceived, because he finds himself with a world filled with the crudest realism. This is the world of mathematics. Here, one sees the drama of nature; one is a spectator of nature. The world of mathematics is the world of Atman.

The one that thinks is the mind, not the Innermost. The human mind in its actual state of evolution is the animal that we carry within.

The concept of Descartes, “I think therefore I am” is completely false, because the true human being is the Innermost and the Innermost does not think because he knows. Atman does not need to think because Atman is omniscient

Someone told me today that according to Stephen Hawkings the universe is collapsing on itself instead of expanding as Einstien theorized.

I've been meaning to take a peek at some of Stephen Hawkings theories.

Perhaps Brahma is beginning to wake up from His dream?

(Although, it would be better of course, for us to Awaken Brahma within ourselves as Individuals; even before The Universe enters the Great Cosmic Night)

[edit on 6-9-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Someone told me today that according to Stephen Hawkings the universe is collapsing on itself instead of expanding as Einstien theorized.

Actually, what he has theorized is that the concept of distance, in the universe, is meaningless... that the universe can be pictured as a sphere, with all matter existing on the surface of that sphere. All matter existed at a single point, such as the North Pole. The Big Bang has propelled all matter away from that point... and while everything is still moving away from that point, it is moving ever closer to the South Pole, where everything will reunite.

Hawking's model doesn't contradict Einstien's... it remodels it. Both theories can peacefully coexist.

That all said, they are nothing more than theories. We're just grains of sand on a cosmic beach... and it's possible that we can't see the nearby ocean, and so assume that everything is sand.

Also that Saturn may well be a sun in our lifetime. That is mathmatically based, I suppose.

I've not read that in Hawking's works... in fact, as I understand it, Jupiter (much more massive than Saturn) would have to be about 75 times more massive to cause solar ignition.


That all said, this is well off topic for this forum...

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Someone told me today that according to Stephen Hawkings the universe is collapsing on itself...

The Tenebrous Ones Disagree

...In the Middle Ages, the doors of access to the internal worlds were closed; at that time, it was necessary to do it, so that humans would dedicate themselves to the physical world in order for them to acquire cognizance of their own individuality.

Nirvana has epochs of activity and epochs of profound repose. On February 19, 1919 at 3:40 PM, Nirvana entered into activity; thus, from that moment the evolving life started its return towards the Great Light. So, basically, in these moments it is outdated to close the doors of access to the superior worlds.

The Hierarchies of Nirvana struggle in these moments in order to make this humanity return towards the internal worlds

Originally posted by Hobbes
That all said, they are nothing more than theories. We're just grains of sand on a cosmic beach... and it's possible that we can't see the nearby ocean, and so assume that everything is sand.

That's one way of putting it.

Or perhaps we could say that all there IS, is a single Ocean; an Ocean formed by countless(well countless for the limited mind that is) drops of water..., those drops being every single Creature, Atom, Monad, Quark, Molecule, etc. in existence.

The "sand" simply being condensed water, which we perceive as our limited idea of "matter"...?

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
For example, the frequency of the earth and the frequencey of our human bodies.

What frequency??

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
For example, the frequency of the earth and the frequencey of our human bodies.

What frequency??

The frequency of your electrons rotating once around the nucleus. In everyliving cell of the body.

Or it could be the frequency of the earth?

posted on Sep, 8 2006 @ 05:21 AM
just like the moons

numbers,dates,geographic local and yes numbers all play a role

however there are 216 problems of complete power.


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